Main / NWP-Hunting

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Hunting Non-weapon Proficiency

A barbarian has a +2 bonus when hunting in his homeland terrain, or when hunting an animal native to his homeland terrain. For example, a barbarian from a jungle homeland doesn't qualify for a bonus when hunting in the plains. But if he stalks a jungle animal on the plains (such as a tiger that escaped from a king's private game preserve), he makes his proficiency checks at +2. Table 33 indicates the number of rations provided by various sizes of game animals. These figures are approximations; the actual numbers depend on the consumers' sizes (a bulky fighter may need more food than a slim cleric), ages (adolescents may eat more than the elderly), health (a healthy character can do with less food than his ailing companion), and activities (a character who spent the day fighting may need more food than a friend who spent the day reading).

Rations Produced Per Animal

Size of game animalNumber of rations*

'*'A ration is the food necessary to feed an average adult for one day. The figures to the left of the slash indicate the number of rations obtained when a character of average skill handles the butchering. The figures to the right show the number of rations obtained by a character with the animal rending proficiency.