Main / NWP-Linguistics

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Linguistics Non-weapon Proficiency

Before a Character can take the Linguistics proficiency they must have previously taken the Modern Languages proficiency three times and learned three different languages. At least one of these languages must be either a non-human language or from a different area of the Campaign World.

Once the character is able to use the Linguistics proficiency they can learn any additional language when they visit an area where a language unknown to them is spoken. After living in the area for one week the character makes an Reason check to learn how to speak the new language. This new language learned is at 50% Comprehension and does not require a slot to be filled to learn it. The character will be able to communicate basic ideas and get through daily life. Having a tutor assist during this time will increase the comprehension percentage by 10% per week of tutoring.

A character can learn up to four new languages in this manner. If the character travels to a new area and wishes to attempt to learn a new language from that place the oldest previously acquired language using this proficiency is forgotten from disuse.