Main / NWP-NightVision

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Night Vision Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency improves a character's ability to see in low-light conditions. It is not equal to ultravision but is still useful.

To use his Night Vision, the character must spend five rounds in the type of light he will be moving or waiting in. Until he has spent that amount of time in the dark, this proficiency just does not work. (However, the character can be doing other things while letting his eyes adjust, so long as these other tasks do not expose him to varying light conditions.)

Once his eyes have adjusted, the character can use his Night Vision at any time. Whenever he looks at something, he must make a Night Vision proficiency check. With a successful check, the character's Visibility Ranges (from the Player's Handbook, Chapter 13) are doubled in the following conditions: Fog (dense or blizzard), Fog (moderate), Night (full moon), and Night (no moon), and Twilight. Thus, a character under a full moon at night would be able to spot movement at 200 feet rather than at 100 feet. If the character with this proficiency is exposed to a change in illumination—such as by having a fireball go off within 500 feet or by having a torch or lamp waved in his face—his eyes are dazzled. His Night Vision is gone and cannot be regained until the character has again spent five rounds letting his eyes adjust.