Main / NWP-PestControl

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Pest Control Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency is for dwarves only and it used to keep dwarf strongholds free of pests like rats, carrion crawlers, jermalaines, kobolds, and other small creatures. Similar to the set snares proficiency, it is concerned with catching underground pests and does not use snares. Traps are set to trigger metal cages, drop nets, or iron doors that shut off individual tunnel sections. Spring traps or small deadfalls may be rigged (damage 1d6 maximum) using this proficiency. There is no -4 modifier when using pest control to trap larger creatures.

Only thief characters may use this proficiency to rig larger traps suitable for human or orc sized creatures. These traps may include crossbows, larger deadfalls, and spiked springboards.

A character with this proficiency does not have the ability to make the items required for these devices, he can only set the traps and their triggers.

A proficiency check must be rolled when the trap is set. A failed proficiency check means that the trap will fail to operate. It may not have been set properly, was poorly concealed, or it was too small or too large for the creature to trigger.

Setting a trap takes one hour and the character must have the proper equipment and materials with him.

Characters with the animal lore proficiency gain a +2 bonus when attempting to set traps to catch animal pests.