Main / NWP-QuickStudy

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Quick Study Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency allows a ninja to temporarily learn enough about a skill, a job, or an area of scholarship to pass as someone who belongs to a related profession. When using this proficiency, the ninja spends one week (eight hours a day) studying the skill she wishes to learn. At the end of the week, the character has a working knowledge of the field studied. Over the next several days, she will be able to pass as a practitioner of that skill, though not as an expert.

When she has completed his study and must utilize the skill, the character makes a normal proficiency check with an additional -3 penalty. One week after the character has completed her study, she suffers a -2 penalty because she has forgotten some details of the skill. Each week thereafter, she takes another cumulative -2 penalty.

This proficiency will not allow a character to demonstrate an expert level of ability with the skill being simulated. If the character undertakes a task that, in the DM's estimation, calls for an especially broad or deep knowledge of the subject, the DM can decide that the character cannot perform the task. The character can then make a normal Intelligence check; success means that she realizes that she's in over her head and cannot succeed.

It is not possible to spend extra non-weapon proficiency slots on Quick Study to improve the roll. However, it is possible to buy the proficiency more than once in order to study two skills per mission.