Main / NWP-Rhetoric

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Rhetoric Non-weapon Proficiency

The character with this proficiency has mastered the science of public oratory. He can speak well, but more importantly, he know the accepted rules and conventions for delivering legal and political speeches. Rhetoric was adopted after the Barbarian Wars and because an integral part of the education of upper-class Terraguardians. Many citizens attended the law courts and political speeches not out of interest in the case or issues, but simply to hear the most skilled orators speak.

When a character makes a formal speech to an audience of educated citizens he may make a Rhetoric check. If successful, his delivery was excellent (regardless of the content of the speech) and the audience was at least entertained and possibly moved. The DM will give a bonus of up to +5 on subsequent use of Law or Politics Proficiencies. However use of rhetoric does not impress barbarian or commoners, nor it is appropriate of haggling with merchants over prices. If two characters get into a debate over an issue, the highest roll that also succeeds wins. Only the winner receives a bonus.