Main / NWP-RidingHorseSpec

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Riding, Horse Spec Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be from Al-qadim)

Characters with this proficiency can ride and perform stunts on horseback even better than characters with the land-based riding proficiency described in the Player's Handbook. Horse specialization enables a rider to do everything that land-based riding involves, plus the following:

The rider suffers no damage from falling from a horse, provided that a proficiency check is made.

The character can leap or vault onto a moving horse upon making a successful proficiency check.

Failure indicates that the rider lies sprawled in the dust, suffering no damage other than battered pride.

While seated, the rider can grab an item from the ground even if the horse is at a full gallop, upon making a successful proficiency check. A handkerchief is easy to snare. A living target, however, has the opportunity to fight back. Should, for example, a damsel happen to punch her would-be rescuer, the horseman's attempt would fail.

The character automatically can ride bareback with no discomfort or loss in ability. The character can even use spears or lances without need of a saddle.

In addition to combat benefits, characters with this proficiency are masters at caring for horses, able to identify horse afflictions and tell immediately the quality of a horse (as noted in Chapter 6 of the Dungeon Muster's Guide). Characters who combine this proficiency with animal training can break a horse of unpleasant traits in one to four (1d4) weeks, provided both proficiency checks are made. Similarly, they can use both proficiencies to train a horse to perform a trick in just 1d4 weeks (instead of the usual 2d6 weeks required with animal training alone). A horse can learn only 1d4 tricks in this speedy fashion. The tricks are not bonuses; they count toward the total number of feats (2d4) that any horse can learn.

This proficiency applies only to horsemanship. If any other mount is used - including related creatures such as zebras or unicorns - the benefits do not apply.