Main / NWP-RidingSea-based

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Riding, Sea-based Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency allows the character to handle a particular species of sea-based mount The type of mount must be specified when the proficiency is acquired. The character may spend additional slots to enable him to handle other species.

In addition to riding the mount, the proficiency enables the character to do the following:

When the mount is on the surface of the water, the character can leap onto its back and spur it to move in the same round. No proficiency check is required.

The character can urge the mount to leap over obstacles in the water that are less than 3' high and 5' across (in the direction of the jump). No proficiency check is required. Greater jumps require a proficiency check, with bonuses or penalties assigned by the DM according to the height and breadth of the obstacle and the type and size of mount. Failure means the mount balks; an immediate second check determines if the character stays on the mount or falls off.

The character can spur the mount to great speeds. If an initial proficiency check fails, the mount resists moving faster than normal. Otherwise, the mount begins to move up to 2d6 feet per round beyond its normal rate. Proficiency checks must be made every five rounds. So long as the checks succeed, the mount continues to move at the faster rate for up to two turns. After the mount moves at this accelerated rate for two turns, its rate then drops to 2/3 of its normal rate. It can move no faster than 2/3 of its normal rate until allowed to rest for a full hour.

If the second or any subsequent check fails, the mount's movement drops to half its normal rate. It continues to move at this half-speed rate until allowed to rest for an hour.

If a sea-based mount on the surface of the water is attacked, it will normally submerge unless it makes a successful morale roll. If the morale roll fails, the rider can command the mount to re-surface by making a successful proficiency check. If the check fails, the rider can attempt another check each round thereafter, so long as he is physically able. While submerged with the mount and attempting to force it to surface, the rider risks drowning (see Chapter 14 of the Player's Handbook). Because he's exerting himself, the number of rounds the rider can hold his breath is equal to half his Constitution score.