Main / NWP-Signaling

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Signaling Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency gives the character the ability to send messages over long distances. The character must designate his preferred method for signaling. Typical methods include smoke signals, whistling, waving flags, drums, or reflecting mirrors. For each additional slot spent, the character may choose an additional method.

Because signaling is essentially a language, messages of reasonable complexity can be communicated. A practiced signaler can transmit as many as 10 words per combat round.

To interpret the signal, the recipient must be able to see or hear it. He must also have the signaling proficiency and know the same signaling method as the sender. To send a message and have it understood, both the signaler and the recipient must make successful proficiency checks. If one fails his roll, the message is distorted; the message can be sent again in the following round, and proficiency checks may be attempted again. If both checks fail, or if either character rolls a natural 20, an incorrect message was sent and received; the message has the opposite of the intended meaning. Characters without the signaling proficiency, as well as characters who have the proficiency but use a different signaling method, can't understand the signals.