Main / NWP-Signaling-ForDwarvesOnly

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Signaling - for Dwarves only Non-weapon Proficiency

The signaling proficiency allows a character to send messages underground using sound. To send a signal, tap on a section of wall with a rock, hammer, or a piece of metal. The sound will echo through rock to a distance of 1d4 miles. The sound transmitted by this proficiency resembles Morse code and it may be used to send extensive messages or short commands and instructions. To send a message, roll a proficiency check. If successful, the message transmits as desired. If not, the message may be only partially understood or complete nonsense. It may even convey a meaning contrary to the message sent. Successful transmission of a message is no guarantee that it will be understood by the receiving end and proficiency checks are required to correctly interpret the message. It is possible to fail to understand an incorrectly sent signal, yet still infer a message from it, one very different from what was intended.