Main / NWP-Soothsaying

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Soothsaying Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be a Barbarian)

This proficiency gives the character a limited ability to see into the future. When he acquires the proficiency, he must select a soothsaying technique. Possibilities include casting pebbles on the ground, snapping a branch and checking the splintered wood, studying the wrinkles on a subject‘s face, examining the entrails of an animal, or gazing at the stars. Once he selects a technique, he can't change it. To use this proficiency, he must employ his technique; for instance, if his technique involves gazing at the stars, he can't make a soothsaying attempt during the day.

If he can employ his technique, the character may pose a single yes-or-no question. The question must relate to an event occurring within the next 30 days. Among the acceptable questions: Will we find treasure in the dragon's cave? Will our leader survive until the next full moon? Are these mushrooms safe to eat?

The DM makes a proficiency check in secret.

If the check fails, the character receives no information. If the check succeeds, the DM answers the question honestly; if the DM isn't sure of the correct answer, he may say that the outcome is uncertain. If the character asked a question that the DM wishes to remain unanswered-for instance, he may not want the character to know that the dragon's cave contains treasure-he may decline to give the character any information, even if the check succeeds. On a natural roll of 20, the DM gives the character an incorrect answer.

A character may use this proficiency once per week, regardless of whether the check succeeds or fails.