Main / NWP-SpearCatch

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Spear Catch Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be from Celtic area)

This feat allow the character to catch a spear thrown at him and hurl it right back. The character must know throwing spear first before taking this skill.

Catching and returning a spear counts as a single attack; the character much make a Aim check to catch the spear modified by half the difference in level (rounded up) between the catcher and the thrower. For an example a 3rd level trying to catch a 10th level attacks has a penalty of -4 ( {3-10} * .5 = -3.5 or -4; while the opposite would result in a +4) If the check is failed the attack is resolved normally.

Having caught the spear the character may throw it back by making a normal attack roll. The catch and throw count as a single attack. The spear may be thrown at the original thrower or at anything within a 5 foot radios of the original thrower, subject to normal targeting rules. A character may always choose to keep a spear rather than throw it back.