Main / NWP-SpiritLore

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Spirit Lore Non-weapon Proficiency

A character with the spirit lore proficiency knows methods to contact spirits, deities, and extraplanar powers. He or she can more easily communicate with these beings, gaining a +5% chance of success (no ability check necessary) when attempting divinatory spells such as augury, contact other plane, commune, divination, speak with dead, summon spirits, and so on.

This ability may also be used to contact the dead without resorting to magic (handy for low-level characters and individuals who do not know magic, such as psionicists). Using pyromancy (divination by candles), tarot cards, and other mystical rites, the character can ask questions of these powers as if using a summon spirit or speak with dead spell (no body required, and there is no applicable time limit).

Before beginning the contact, the character must prepare for half an hour, making sure that the area has no spirits around to confuse readings. Contact with the dead is established if a successful check is made. A failed roll reveals nothing. If the roll is 10 more under the number needed, a specific spirit can be contacted. A roll of four or more above the needed number (or a 20) reveals incorrect information, perhaps from an evil spirit. Individuals with the psionic ability of spirit sense gain +2 to ability checks.

The summoner can ask questions of these spirits, but the spirits are not obliged to answer. If annoyed, the spirits can sever the link at will. The questioner can ask 1-3 questions, plus one for every slot above two spent on this proficiency. Contact may not be made more than once per day and is inadvisable more than once per week. The dead do not appreciate being disturbed and may take revenge. The DM can refer to the new 4th-level spell summon spirits for more details about interacting with the dead.