Main / NWP-Stewardship

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Stewardship Non-weapon Proficiency

This skill gives the administrative knowledge and skills to run a large estate. Land is wealth, and proper management of land resources and the servants and freemen on that land is essential to a noble's well being. The noble himself needs at least a rudimentary understanding o stewardship, but loyal subordinates are usually entrusted with the management of day-to-day affairs.

A character who has this proficiency understands not only the technical business of land an estate management, but the politics and personalities of manor and palace. He is alert and sensitive to power and influence in families and retainers of a noble household. He knows where to seek information and how to apply pressure to achieve the objectives of his lord and his own personal ends. He recognizes strengths and weaknesses in a noble household, and he knows how to take advantage of them. He also understands quality and luxury, and he knows how to impress and influence other with hospitality.