Main / NWP-StreetSense

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Street Sense Non-weapon Proficiency

(Urban setting only)

This proficiency is limited to members of the rogue classes. A rogue with this proficiency is adept at making a good impression on underworld contacts in the less-savory neighborhoods of towns and cities, allowing him to better use the information-gathering proficiency described in The Complete Thief's Handbook. Those whom the rogue contacts are not necessarily moved to trust the rogue using this skill, but they may decide the rogue is worth talking to because he is so entertaining or because he is a person of importance. A street-sense skill check can be attempted once whenever the rogue is talking to a contact. Success means that the contact becomes favorably inclined toward the rogue and will reveal additional information to him, possibly unrelated to the rogue's inquiries, at the DM's discretion. Success also means that the contact will act positively toward the rogue in future situations, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

Possession of this skill adds a +2 bonus to any information-gathering skill check.