Main / NWP-TacticsOfMagic

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Tactics of Magic Non-weapon Proficiency

For many wizards, the principal use of their art is on the battlefield. Knowing which spell to employ at any given time and creating the greatest effect for one's effort is a skill that can be learned with practice and experience. A wizard with the tactics of magic proficiency can attempt a proficiency check to gauge the range to a target, estimate how many enemies will be caught in a given area of effect, or determine whether or not he may be in danger of a rebounding lightning bolt or a fireball cast in too small a space.

In addition, a character with this skill may recall subtle effects or interactions that are not immediately apparent. For example, if the wizard is about to cast magic missile at an enemy wizard protected by a shield spell, the DM may allow the player a proficiency check to see if he suddenly recalls that the magic missile will fail—especially if the wizard also knows shield, but the player has just forgotten about the special effects of the spell. However, if there's no way the character could know of a special immunity or property of a monster, spell, or magical item, this proficiency will not be of any help.