Main / NWP-WeaponImprovisation

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Weapon Improvisation Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be a Barbarian)

With this Proficiency, the character can improvise a weapon from natural materials. He must search the area for ld6 rounds, then make a proficiency check. If the check fails, he finds nothing useful; he may try again in a different area. If the check succeeds, he finds an object that can be wielded as a club, such as a branch, a bone, or an icicle. The improvised weapon inflicts ld6+1 damage to man-sized and smaller creatures, or ld3+1 to larger opponents. On a natural roll of 1 or 2, the object has jagged projections or is sufficiently heavy to cause additional damage: man-sized and smaller creatures suffer ld6+3 damage, larger opponents suffer ld3+3 damage. On a natural roll of 20, the improvised weapons shatters or splinters on its first use, causing no damage; it's useless thereafter. The DM may veto the use of this proficiency in inappropriate environments, such as a barren plain or a snow-filled valley. Likewise, he may impose penalties or bonuses to the check in areas where improvised weapons are exceptionally difficult or easy to find. For example, a hill covered with stones might merit a +1 bonus; an empty plain might merit a -2 penalty. Barbarians. A barbarian receives a +2 bonus when searching for an improvised weapon in his homeland terrain.