Main / NWP-WeaponsmithingCrude

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Weaponsmithing Crude Non-weapon Proficiency

This proficiency allows the making simple weapons out of natural materials. This skill is most often found in those from a primitive, tribal, or savage background.

The crude weapons are limited to natural materials: stone, wood, bone, sinew, reed, and the like. Crude weapons take a certain amount of time to make. The DM may add additional primitive weapons to the basic list.

The chance for success is based on the character's Wisdom, with a -3 penalty. Any warrior or a character with the hunting proficiency has a +3 bonus. The fashioner must be proficient in the use of the weapon.

If successful, the weapon can be used normally. If failed, the weapon is so badly flawed as to be useless. On a roll of 20, the weapon seems sound, but will break upon first use. On a roll of 1, the weapon has no chance of breaking except against a harder material.

Crude weapons check for breaking upon inflicting damage; roll 1d6. Bone weapons break on a roll of 1 or 2, stone weapons break on a roll of 1.

Weapon Construction Time
Arrows 7/day
Axe, Battle 4 days
Axe, Hand day
Axe, Throwing 6 days
Bow, Long* 15 days
Bow, Short 12 days
Dagger 2 days
Dart 3 day
Javelin 1 day
Knife 2 days
Quarterstaff 1 day
Spear 2 days
Staff Sling 3 days
Warhammer 5 days

* *Seasoning the wood takes 1 year.