Main / NWP-WildFighting

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Wild Fighting Non-weapon Proficiency

(for Humanoid races only)

Characters with this proficiency employ an extremely unorthodox and unpredictable fighting style. Wild fighting is ferocious and deadly, without any grace or discipline. It is also extremely tiring, as part of its nature is that it focuses every bit of energy a character has into the attack.

The benefits are in the number of attacks the character gets and in the amount of damage attacks inflict. A wild-fighting character gets one more attack per round than normally entitled to. All damage rolls for attacks that hit receive a +3 bonus.

However, when wild fighting, a character's attack rolls also are reduced by 3. Also the attacker's armor class is penalized by 3, making it easier to hit him.

To use wild fighting, a character must make a successful proficiency check at the start of combat. A failure means that the character receives only the penalties of the proficiency and none of the benefits.

Wild fighting can only be used twice per day, as it is extremely tiring. After a battle ends, the wild fighter must rest for one hour before he can again call on the proficiency. Resting means doing nothing but resting or engaging in light travel (riding a slow-moving horse, etc,). If the character must walk, he cannot use the proficiency until four hours have passed. Without this rest, a tired character suffers a -3 penalty to all proficiency checks, a -5 to armor class, a -5 to THAC0, and a -3 from damage rolls. These penalties are in effect until the full resting period has elapsed.