Main / NWP-WildFightingBarbarian

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Wild Fighting, Barbarian Non-weapon Proficiency

(must be a Barbarian)

A character with this proficiency has the ability to whip himself into an attack frenzy, employing a fierce fighting style devoid of discipline To use wild fighting, the character must make a proficiency check before combat ensues. If the check succeeds he receives the following benefits

1). He may make one more attack per round beyond his normal limit. 2). He receives a +3 to all damage rolls. 3). His Armor Class is penalized by 3 (to a limit of AC 10) 4). His attack rolls are penalized by 3

If the check fails, the character receives both of the penalties but neither of the benefits. Regardless of whether the check succeeds or fails, the character receives the proficiency effects for the duration of the battle or for one hour, whichever comes first. After the battle ends (or an hour expires), the character must rest for an hour before he can use the proficiency again. While he rests, the character may take no actions other than light travel such as riding a slow-moving horse). If he must walk, he can't use the proficiency until four hours pass. If he neglects to rest, he suffers the following penalties:

A -3 penalty to all proficiency checks. A -5 penalty to his Armor Class. A -5 penalty to his THACO. 1 extra point of damage from all successful enemy hits.

The penalties remain in effect until the character rests for the indicated period.