Main / Odin

Odin - Norse - Priests - Gods

Often referred to as the “All-Father,” Odin (sometimes called “Woden,” “Othinn,” or “Votan”) is the leader and creator of the Norse pantheon. Along with his brothers, Vili and Ve, he slew the great frost giant Ymir and made the earth out of the giant's body. He also, directly or indirectly, fathered most of the Norse gods and helped create the first man and woman. Odin's first concern is battle, but he is also the god of knowledge, wisdom, poetry, and inspiration.

Odin has many powers. When sitting on his throne in the hall Valaskialf, Odin can see anything happening anywhere. He can use telepathy (as the spell) on any being within three hundred miles of one of his avatars, and he can inspire a berserk rage (as the spell above) in up to 1,000 men at a time. Odin is also an accomplished magician, and can use any wizard spell as an 18th level wizard. He possesses a magic ring, Draupnir, which produces a non-magical twin of itself every night. This twin is worth 3,000 gp on the open market. Odin also carries a rune wand which has the following powers: It functions as a rod of rulership, can summon 1d4 elementals of Odin’s choice, can store 12 spells of his choice, drain 6 life levels and 100 hit points from anyone but Odin who touches it, and cause the instantaneous death of any mortal.

Unlike most greater gods, Odin cannot raise the dead, and can himself be killed (but only during Ragnarok). Healing anyone forces him into a deep sleep for 1d10 days. Odin rarely uses this healing power, as Loki has demonstrated a great propensity for causing trouble when Odin is indisposed.

In his true form, Odin appears to be a man of about fifty with a patch over one eye (he traded the missing eye for a draft from the Well of Knowledge). He has a bald head and a long gray beard, and usually wears a gray tunic beneath a hooded cloak of blue. He is often accompanied by two old wolves and two ravens which perch on his shoulder.

Role-playing Notes:

Role-playing Notes: Heroic, proud, and stern, Odin resembles the typical Norse chieftain in temperament and outlook. He is primarily concerned with power — his own in Asgard, and that of his worshipers in Midgard. Only two things will make Odin angry with a worshiper: helping a giant or losing a battle. Odin has several animals that aid him in maintaining his dominion over both realms. Perhaps the most impressive of these are Freke and Gere, two aged wolves with graying muzzles who wander the planes gathering information for him. These wolves can teleport at will throughout Gladsheim, can see any hidden object, and can sense all things magical.

(Freke and Gere: AC 4, MV 24, HD 9, HP 72, AT 1, Dmg 2d10, MR 25%, INT very, ML 18, AL n, SZ 6’, XP: 2,000.)

In addition, he has two ravens, Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory) who perch on his shoulder. Odin uses them as spies and messengers, sending them on various tasks to the far parts of Gladsheim. He can see through their eyes or speak through their beaks, and often uses them to gather information on particular areas of interest, or to warn his worshipers of impending attacks. They can teleport to or from any location in Gladsheim, and are immune to magical control.

(Hugin and Munin: AC 2, MV 1/48f, HD 4, HP 28, AT 1, Dmg 1d8, MR 30%, INT very, ML 18, AL n, SZ 3’, XP: 975)

Omens from Odin are usually delivered by his ravens. Odin rides an eight-legged steed named Sleipnir. This magical horse can move across any surface (including water) and fly through the air. Sleipnir can also teleport to or from any location in Gladsheim, and allows no one to mount him without Odin's permission.

(Sleipnir: AC -1, MV 24, HD 16, HP 128, AT 4, Dmg 2d10, MR 25%, INT very, ML 18, AL In, SZ 12’, XP: 13,000)

Gods Information

Alignment: CG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any
Area of Control: War, Wisdom, Poetry, and Knowledge
Symbol: blue eye

Avatar Information

Odin's avatar usually takes the form of an old man with an eyepatch and a slouch hat. He carries Gungnir (see below) as if it were nothing more than a walking stick. If sent to Midgard to fight a battle, however, the avatar takes the form of a splendidly muscled man wearing steel armor. He can draw upon any school of magic for his spells. (Fighter 20, Wizard 12)

Str 24 Dex 20 Con 18
Int 20 Wis 20 Cha 18
MV 18 SZ 6' MR 50%
AC -3 HD 24 HP 192
#AT 2 THAC0 -3 Dmg 1d6 + 5 (spear) +12

Special Att/Def: Odin's avatar carries Odin's spear, Gungnir. This + 5 weapon has several special abilities: in battle, it points at the most powerful enemy; when held aloft, all enemies who can see it are struck with fear; anyone allowed to touch the spear is blessed with a double effect prayer; anyone that touches the weapon against the avatar's will is polymorphed into an ant (save to negate).

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Must meet requirements for Fighter class
Alignment: any
Turning: Turn
Armor: Any
Weapons: Any

Major: All, Animal, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Protection, Summoning
Minor: none

1st - one extra hp per level 10th - THAC0 of fighter of same level

Duties of the Priesthood

To be a priest of Odin, one must be a chieftain of a tribe. Odin's priests must like fighting. In addition, they must be good tacticians and leaders of men. They must always be in the front lines during battle.