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Orcs with Pointy Ears discussion (part of Player communication)

Please post in character chats here


I would like BOB to confirm the following and for others to give their impressions on the current part of the mystery.

1 The raven has been a part of the tower/wizards protection for a while


2 It is quite probable that the doors locking at midnight are also part of the above protection

that is one assumption, but you were told by the Raven to solve the mystery by dawn or you would not be able to leave

3 There is probably a way to still get out, just not as easy as we thought

if you solve the mystery i.e. wake the mage then you can get out

4 Getting out has nothing to do with solving the sleeping mystery, though if we solve it, it should be easy to get out.

you need to wake the mage to get out, it is not required, but might be helpful, to solve the why of the sleeping

5 I did not realise until I started cleaning the chat that the heads disapeared, with the sleeping people in bed but fully clothed made be believe the clues would not be locked away.

you can take what you want from this but a) yes they are all fully clothed b) yes the heads disapeared when slain

6 I think we opened every door and did a cursior examination, we only have two specific clues to further investigate, the notes from the mage chest and the wall.

yes you have opened every door you can, anything involved in leaving the tower is now magically locked, you did not open one of the mage's chests

7 This part of the adventure has nothing to do with the raids, just a way to get more clues from the elves

to the best of your knowledge that is correct


I like how everyone roleplayed the discussion to get to this adventure. When in character the arguing er debating is much more fun. It also make the adventure more real when it is presented as this is one thing you can do when we all know this is what BOB is ready to do. Enjoy.


In preparing for this adventure, I started going through the Party Pack. There is a scroll that will make and item the party could take with them and if they get in a bind, it would teleport a wizard to their location. It has to be set to one particular wizard, I was going to suggest Paul, but it is open to a vote.

  - Thus became the Paul Pager and Paul's Perfectly Practical Paul Pager Plan

I also confirm that we can loan magic items to our followers. I would have like to have more time to make scroll but I have a few things that will help without interfering with Paul's plans. I plan on giving Khan my ring of spell holding so he can keep Alter self on so will not look like a troll. That will make him less of a target. Christy is using one of my follows, so I need to see what she is making to know what the character might need.


I was trying to reflect back on Friday's (5/30/08) chat and I cannot seem to remember what characters were going on this adventure. I do recall 3 Warriors, 2 mages and a thief being mentioned, however, that's only 6 people and characters. I guess, I'm asking who has what for characters going on this adventure? I have an orc warrior.
