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Partik the Raven - Spell Data Files

Partik the Raven Spell Data List

This is the data list for KloOge for a priest of Partik the Raven in the Shardik pantheon.

# Name	Level	Cast Level	Expression	# Memorized	Cost	Sound	Effect
Bless/Curse	1	1	For 6 rounds, attack rolls and saves vs fear receive a +1 bonus.	--	1		
Combine	1	1	3 to 5 priests combine their efforts so that one can cast and turn undead at a higher level.	--	1		
Detect Magic - Priest	1	1	For 1 turn, I can detect magic in a 10'x30' path.	--	1		
Orison	1	1	I can create minor effects.	--	1		
Purify Food and Drink	1	1	Spoiled food and water is made pure again.	--	1		
Chant	2	2	For as long as I chant, friends in a 30' radius receive a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to the same rolls.	--	1		
Mystic Transfer	2	2	A priest can send me a spell to cast.	--	1		
Sanctify	2	2	All friendlies within the area get a +1 to fear/charm spells and undead are turned at 1 level higher.	--	1		
Dispel Magic - Priest	3	3	I dispel {11-(1d20)+$L} level magic.	--	1		
Remove Curse - Priest	3	3	I remove a curse.	--	1		
Focus	4	4	Using the prayers of a bunch of faithful I maintain a spell for up to a year.	--	1		
Tongues - Priest	4	4	I can speak {$L/3} additional languages for 1 turn.	--	1		
Uplift	4	4	I increase the casting level of a priest, allowing him to cast spells beyond normal ability.	--	1		
Atonement	5	5	The target is atoned for past regretable deeds.	--	1		
Commune	5	5	I ask my god {$L} yes or no questions.	--	1		
Meld	5	5	For up to 12 hours, I can take over a willing subject's body.	--	1		
Quest	5	5	The target must undergo a quest or else suffer a -1 penalty to saves for each day he avoids the quest.	--	1		
True Seeing - Priest	5	5	For {$L} rounds I see things as they are.	--	1		
Speak with Monsters	6	6	For {$L*2} rounds I can speak with monsters.	--	1		
Gate - Priest	7	7	I'm aged by 5 years but I create a gate which allows an extraplanar being of great power to appear.	--	1		
Animal Friendship	1	1	I convince an animal that I want to be friends.	--	1		
Calm Animals	1	1	{2d4+$L} hit dice worth of animals are calmed for {10+$L} rounds.	--	1		
Invisibility to Animals	1	1	Up to {$L} target creatures are invisible to animals for {10+$L} rounds or until they attack.	--	1		
Locate Animals or Plants	1	1	For {$L} rounds I can detect a specific type of plant or animal in a 20' path in front of me up to {100+(20*$L)} yards distant.	--	1		
Charm Person or Mammal	2	2	A mammal who fails a save is charmed for a duration based on intelligence.	--	1		
Messenger	2	2	I tie a message to a bird who delivers it for me.	--	1		
Snake Charm	2	2	I hypnotise snakes for a duration based on how pissed off they are.	--	1		
Speak with Animals	2	2	I can speak with animals for {2*$L} rounds.	--	1		
Control Animal	3	3	I force an animal to do my bidding for {$L} rounds.	--	1		
Hold Animal	3	3	1-4 animals who fail their saves are frozen for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1		
Summon Insects	3	3	For {$L} rounds a swarm of {1d100[1-30="crawling insects";31-100="flying insects"]} attacks the victim.	--	1		
Animal Summoning I	4	4	Up to 8 animals of 4 hit dice or less within a 1 mile radius come to my aid.	--	1		
Call Woodland Beings	4	4	I call to local woodland beings to aid me.	--	1		
Giant Insect	4	4	I permanently increase the size of insects to giant variety.	--	1		
Repel Insects	4	4	Normal insects as well as giant ones of {$L/3} hit dice or less are repelled from approaching me for {$L} turns.	--	1		
Animal Growth - Priest	5	5	Up to 8 animals double in size for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1		
Animal Summoning II	5	5	Up to six animals of 8 HD or less or 12 animals of 4 HD or less come to my aid.	--	1		
Commune with Nature	5	5	I can learn some information about my surroundings.	--	1		
Insect Plague	5	5	A thick cloud of insects go forth and attack for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1		
Animal Summoning III	6	6	Up to 4 animals of 16 HD or less, 8 animals of 8 HD or less or 16 animals of 4 HD or less come to my aid.	--	1		
Anti-animal Shell	6	6	For {$L} turns, I have a 10' radius barrier which keeps out animals and things with animal parts.	--	1		
Creeping Doom	7	7	A massive cloud of {(1d6+4)*100} insects moves forth and bites everything in its way for {$L*4} rounds.	--	1		
Reincarnate	7	7	The target corpse comes back to life as a {1d100[1-3="badger!";4-8="black bear!";9-12="brown bear!";13-16="wild boar!";17-19="centaur!";20-23="dryad!";24-28="eagle!";29-31="elf!";32-34="satyr!";35-36="fox!";37-40="gnome!";41-44="hawk!";45-58="human!";59-61="lynx!";62-64="owl!";65-68="pixie!";69-70="racoon!";71-75="stag!";76-80="wolf!";81-85="wolverine!";86-100="DM's choice!"]}	--	1		
Astral Celerity	1	1	For {$L} hours, my movement rate on the ethereal or astral planes is increased.	--	1		
Speak with Astral Traveler	1	1	For {$L} rounds, I can touch the body of someone who has left their body for the astral plane and speak with them.	--	1		
Astral Awareness	2	2	For {$L} hours I am more aware of color pools on the astral plane.	--	1		
Ethereal Barrier	2	2	I ward off an area from ethereal travel for {$L} turns.	--	1		
Astral Window	3	3	I open a window into the astral plane which allows me to see a specific person or object there.	--	1		
Etherealness - Priest	3	3	I enter the border ethereal plane for {10+$L} rounds.	--	1		
Join with Astral Traveler	4	4	I travel along an astral traveller's silver cord and join them on the astral plane.	--	1		
Plane Shift	5	5	I shift to a specific plane as keyed by the forked rods I cast this spell with.	--	1		
Astral Spell - Priest	7	7	I leave my body and travel to the astral plane.	--	1		
Wind Column	1	1	I summon forth a column of air which slows my decent for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Dust Devil	2	2	I conjure forth a dust devil for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Wind Servant	3	3	I conjure forth a wind servant for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Zone of Sweet Air	3	3	Gas can't enter an area of up to {$L} 10' cubes for the next {$L} turns.	--	1			
Windborne	4	4	I summon a column of air which allows me to fly or glide.	--	1			
Air Walk	5	5	For {6+$L} turns, I can walk on air.	--	1			
Cloud of Purification	5	5	For {$L} rounds, a 20' cube of gas turns all garbage, filth and vermin into pure water.	--	1			
Control Winds	5	5	For {$L} turns, I can control the wind in a {40*$L} ft radius, adjusting the wind by {$L/3} levels.	--	1			
Whirlwind	6	6	I create a powerful cyclone which sticks around for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Conjure Air Elemental	7	7	For {$L} turns, I conjure forth a {1d100[1-60="12 HD air elemental.";61-95="16 HD air elemental.";96-100="21-24 HD air elemental."]}	--	1			
Wind Walk	7	7	I and up to {$L\8} other targets turn to mist and are able to move as fast as a movement rate of 60 or as slow as 6. We stay this way for {$L} hours or until I choose to release the spell.	--	1			
Dispel Fatigue	1	1	The target is no longer fatigued.	--	1			
Invisibility to Undead	1	1	For 6 rounds, undead cannot see me, though those of 4 hd or more do get a save.	--	1			
Aid	2	2	For {$L+1} rounds, I gain {1d8} hitpoints and +1 to saves and attack rolls.	--	1			
Restore Strength	2	2	Lost strength is restored.	--	1			
Animate Dead - Priest	3	3	Skeletons or zombies are created from corpses.	--	1			
Feign Death - Priest	3	3	I appear dead for {10+$L} rounds.	--	1			
Negative Plane Protection	3	3	I am protected from negative energy for {$L} turns or until I'm actually struck by a negative attack, whichever comes first.	--	1			
Remove Paralysis	3	3	{1d4} creatures in a 20' cube are cured of paralysis.	--	1			
Speak with Dead	3	3	I may speak with the recently deceased and ask a few questions.	--	1			
Suspended Animation	4	4	A willing target is placed in suspended animation.	--	1			
Unfailing Endurance	4	4	I'm highly resistant to fatigue for the next {$L} days. 	--	1			
Raise Dead	5	5	A corpse is brought back to life. If reverse, the target must save vs spell or die. Success still indicates {2d8+1} points of damage.	--	1			
Restoration	7	7	A lost energy level is restored, however, both the caster and the recipient are aged 2 years.	--	1			
Resurrection	7	7	I bring a corpse back to life and age 3 years.	--	1			
Emotion Read	1	1	I read the target's emotional state unless they save vs spell.	--	1			
Thought Capture	1	1	I capture a freestanding though object and examine it.	--	1			
Idea	2	2	I remember a single important fact.	--	1			
Mind Read	2	2	For {$L} rounds I probe into a target's thoughts.	--	1			
Emotion Control	3	3	For {$L} rounds either I am immune to attempts at scanning my emotions or someone else gains a bonus to saves against such spells.	--	1			
Memory Read	3	3	I read the memories of a target.	--	1			
Telepathy	3	3	For {10+($L*2)} rounds I can establish 2 way communication with a single subject.	--	1			
Genius	4	4	I can learn a fact about the current situation.	--	1			
Mental Domination	4	4	For {$L*3} rounds I completely control the actions of the target if it fails a save.	--	1			
Modify Memory	4	4	I can erase, change or intensify any one memory of a target.	--	1			
Rapport	4	4	For {10+$L} rounds the target and I can communicate telepathically and share emotions, sensations and memories.	--	1			
Solipsism	4	4	I create an illusion which is real if people believe in it. I automatically believe in it. The illusion lasts as long as I concentrate.	--	1			
Thought Broadcast	4	4	For {10+($L*3)} rounds, the target's thoughts are broadcast to everyone in the area, unless he makes a save vs spell.	--	1			
Impregnable Mind	5	5	I'm protected from magical attacks on the mind for {10+$L} rounds. This allows a save if none is normally allowed, and a +4 bonus if there are normally saves allowed.	--	1			
Memory Wrack	5	5	I disconnect the target's short term and long term memory for {$L*2} rounds unless he makes a save.	--	1			
Mindshatter	5	5	The target is infected with one of five different types of insanity unless he makes a save.	--	1			
Thoughtwave	5	5	Either I or several priests send a burst of thought to someone, giving a message, my general state of being as well as a rough indication of where I am.	--	1			
Disbelief	6	6	I disbelieve that certain creatures or objects exist for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Group Mind	6	6	I can silently communicate with several targets for {10+$L} rounds.	--	1			
Impervious Sanctity of Mind	7	7	For {$L} turns, I'm completely immune to mind affecting spells and effects.	--	1			
Mind Tracker	7	7	I summon an ethereal creature which follows and reports on a target in my sight for as long as I remain conscious or until I dismiss it.	--	1			
Courage	1	1	The target unit does not need to make morale checks.	--	1			
Morale	1	1	Target unit's morale is raised or lowered.	--	1			
Emotion Perception	2	2	I learn the morale rating of up to {$L/5} target units.	--	1			
Rally	2	2	Target unit makes a rally check.	--	1			
Adaptation	3	3	Target unit fights as though they have a different favored terrain.	--	1			
Caltrops	3	3	I summon forth caltrops for {$L} turns.	--	1			
Fortify - War	3	3	I create a fortification equal in size to a {($L/2)*10} ft cube.	--	1			
Entrench	4	4	I create a fortification equal in size to a {($L/2)*10} ft cube.	--	1			
Leadership	4	4	I'm now better at leading troops.	--	1			
Tanglefoot	4	4	I double the movement cost of a type of terrain for {$L*2} turns	--	1			
Disguise - Priest	5	5	For {$L/3} turns, the target unit is disguised to look like another.	--	1			
Illusory Artillery	5	5	I make illusionary artillery fire which causes the target to make morale checks.	--	1			
Gravity Variation	6	6	I can cause or negate the effect of slopes for {$L/3} turns.	--	1			
Illusory Fortification	7	7	I create a large illusionary wall.	--	1			
Shadow Engines	7	7	I create illusionary siege weapons which deal half damage of real ones.	--	1			
Faerie Fire	1	1	I outline several creatures in magical light for {$L*4} rounds.	--	1			
Obscurement	1	1	A {$L*10} ft square of fog obscures the area for {$L*4} rounds.	--	1			
Call Lightning	3	3	I can call down a bolt of lightning which deals {2d8+($L)d8} points of damage. I can summon forth a bolt a turn for the next {$L} turns.	--	1			
Weather Prediction	3	3	I can predict the weather for the next {$L} days. 	--	1			
Control Temperature, 10' Radius	4	4	The temperature around the caster is raised or lowered by up to {$L*10} degrees F for the next {$L+4} turns.	--	1			
Protection from Lightning	4	4	Someone else or I am protect from electrical attacks.	--	1			
Weather Stasis	4	4	Current weather conditions stay the same for {$L} hours.	--	1			
Control Winds	5	5	For {$L} turns, I can control the wind in a {40*$L} ft radius, adjusting the wind by {$L/3} levels.	--	1			
Rainbow	5	5	I can either make a rainbow bridge or a rainbow bow.	--	1			
Weather Summoning	6	6	I summon forth an extreme change in the weather which arrives in {1d12+4} turns.	--	1			
Control Weather - Priest	7	7	I control the weather for {4d12} hours.	--	1			
Battlefate	1	1	For {$L*2} rounds, the target gets a {($L+2)/3} bonus to a randomly determined thing.	--	1		
Mistaken Missive	1	1	Over the course of 6 days, the writing on a piece of paper shifts to change meaning.	--	1		
Chaos Ward	2	2	For {$L*2} rounds, the target's AC gains a +1 bonus vs melee and a +2 bonus vs ranged attacks as well as a +2 bonus to saves vs spells. In addition there is a chance that spells and missiles are deflected.	--	1		
Dissension's Feast	2	2	Everyone who eats a meal upon which this spell is cast starts arguing with each other for {5+($L*2)} turns.	--	1		
Miscast Magic	3	3	A wizard who fails his save casts a random spell of the same level or lower as the next spell he casts.	--	1		
Random Causality	3	3	Weapon is enchanted to deal damage to one of the weilder's allies instead of who he attacks for {3+$L} rounds.	--	1
Command	1	1	I command the target to follow a single round action. Those with 13 intelligence or more or 6 hit dice or more are entitled saves.	--	1		
Magical Stone	1	1	3 stones become +1 rocks.	--	1		
Aid	2	2	For {$L+1} rounds, I gain {1d8} hitpoints and +1 to saves and attack rolls.	--	1		
Spiritual Hammer	2	2	I summon forth a magical hammer which flies around and hits things for {3+$L} rounds.	--	1		
Prayer	3	3	For {$L} rounds, allies in a 60' radius recieve a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to those rolls. This is cumulative with chant.	--	1		
Unearthly Choir	3	3	A group of priests sing and deal damage based on how many are singing.	--	1		
Analyze Balance	1	1	I detect how far from neutral alignment an area or person is.	--	1			
Calculate	1	1	I have a {70+($L*2)}% chance of estimating the chances of a particular action.	--	1			
Personal Reading	1	1	Using someone's name and birthplace, I can guess at some of that person's history.	--	1			
Moment	2	2	For the next {$L} rounds, I can tell others when the right moment to attack will be.	--	1			
Music of the Spheres	2	2	Up to {$L/3} creatures within a 20' diameter circle cannot harm me and are vulnerable to a suggestion for the next {10+$L} rounds.	--	1			
Etherealness - Priest	3	3	I enter the border ethereal plane for {10+$L} rounds.	--	1			
Extradimensional Detection	3	3	For {$L} rounds, I can detect any extradimensional spaces in a 10'x60' path in front of me.	--	1			
Moment Reading	3	3	I learn the tone of the current situation.	--	1			
Telethaumaturgy	3	3	Using a creatures name, I am able to increase the range of a few specific spells when casting at that creature.	--	1
Call Upon Faith	1	1	The priest recieves a +3 or +15% to any one check.	--	1			
Draw Upon Holy Might	2	2	For {$L} rounds, either my Strength, Constitution, Dexterity or Charisma is raised by {$L\3} points.	--	1			
Dust Devil	2	2	I conjure forth a dust devil for {$L*2} rounds.	--	1			
Messenger	2	2	I tie a message to a bird who delivers it for me.	--	1			
Summon Animal Spirit	3	3	I summon forth a minor animal spirit which does as I ask for {$L} rounds.	--	1	
Command	1	1	I command the target to follow a single round action. Those with 13 intelligence or more or 6 hit dice or more are entitled saves.	--	1			
Protection from Chaos	1	1	Like protection from evil, I am protected from chaos for {$L*3} rounds.	--	1			
Calm Chaos	2	2	Up to {($L)d6} creatures in a chaotic situation calm down for a bit.	--	1			
Enthrall	2	2	I enthral those in a 90' radius with my talking.	--	1			
Hold Person - Priest	2	2	Up to 4 target humanoids are held immobile for {$L*2} rounds unless they make a save vs spell.	--	1			
Dictate	3	3	Up to 6 creatures follow a single command for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Rigid Thinking	3	3	Target creature continues his current action for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Strength of One	3	3	Up to {($L/2)+1} creatures of lawful alignment can take the strength bonus of one of the creatures in the group. for {2d6} rounds.	--	1
Anti-vermin Barrier	1	1	For {$L} hours, vermin are repelled from an area consisting of a {$L} ft cube.	--	1			
Weighty Chest	1	1	For {$L} days, an item is enchanted so as to grow {1d4+1} times the weight of someone trying to lift it.	--	1			
Ethereal Barrier	2	2	I ward off an area from ethereal travel for {$L} turns.	--	1			
Frisky Chest	2	2	Target item permanently flees from anyone trying to grab it.	--	1			
Zone of Truth	2	2	for {$L} rounds, people can't lie in a {5*$L} ft square.	--	1			
Efficacious Monster Ward	3	3	Creatures of 2 HD or less are prevented from entering an area of a {$L*10} ft cube for {$L} rounds.	--	1			
Invisibility Purge	3	3	Invisibility in a 10' square is impossible for {$L} turns.	--	1			
Squeaking Floors	3	3	For {$L} hours, the floor squeaks loudly when someone steps on it.	--	1			
Thief's Lament	3	3	For {$L} hours, thief skills in the area are reduced by 25%	--	1			
Zone of Sweet Air	3	3	Gases are kept out of a {$L*10} ft cube for {$L} turns. 	--	1