Main / Pathmagic

Chapter 2 - Class

Pathmagic -- Original Article

Notes on creating/playing using Pathmagic:

Sample Pathmagic Mage

Greater Paths, Common:

01- metamorphose liquids*
03- Alamir’s fundamental breakdown*
07- hatch the stone from the egg*
08- homunculus shield* (Lifeshielder's Road, The Spirit Road)
09- glorious transmutation* (Glassblower's Path)

01- catapult (FA), magic missile
02- Melf’s acid arrow
03- Melf’s minute meteors
04- acid bolt (DU), missile mastery (FA)

01- detect metals and minerals (SOL), mending, Nystul’s magical aura
03- analyze device (SH)
04- duplicate (CW) (Beggar's Path, Twin's Road), mechanical disruption (SH)
06- enchant an item, reconstruction (FA)
08- permanency, spell engine (FA)

01- alarm, ventriloquism
02- deafness, ghost pipes (FA), magic mouth
04- shout
05- Leomund’s lamentable belabourment
08- great shout (FA)
09- wail of the banshee* (The Reaper's Road)

01- color spray, chromatic orb (CW)
02- hypnotic pattern
04- rainbow pattern
07- prismatic spray
08- Gunther’s kaleidoscopic strike*, prismatic wall
09- prismatic sphere

01- hypnotism
03- suggestion (Dragon's Road)
05- domination (Enchanter's Path)
06- mass suggestion

01- sleep
02- strength,forget (Road of Soul's Release, Simbul's Path), ray of enfeeblement
03- hold person (Frozen Road), snapping teeth (CW), suggestion (Councillor's Road)
05- hold monster (Frozen Road), mind fog* (Misty Road)
06- dragon scales (CW) (Knight's Road), eyebite (Road of True Sight, Road Of True Names)
07- steal enchantment*

01- feather fall, Murdock’s feathery flyer*
02- ride the wind* (The Skyrider's Path)
03- fly
04- spectral wings (FA)
05- vortex* (Wild Road)
06- Bloodstone’s spectral steed (The Undying Road)
08- airboat* (The Skyrider's Path)

01- charm person, friends
03- dire charm (FA)
04- fire charm (Firesight Path, Greater Fire Magic), charm monster
05- domination (Counsellor's Road)
07- charm plants
08- mass charm
09- virus charm (FA)

01- enlarge
04- plant growth
05- animal growth

01- affect normal fires
02- Agannazar’s scorcher (FA), burning hands, pyrotechnics (Flame Dancer's Path, The Brotherhood's Road)
03- fireflow* (Flame Dancer's Path, Wild Road)
04- fire aura (CW), fire charm (Enchanter's Path, Firesight Path), fire gate (FA), fire shield (Flame Dancer's Path, Road of Cups), wall of fire (Flame Dancer's Path)
06- Forest’s fiery constrictor* (Flame Dancer's Path, The Brotherhood's Road)
07- Malec-Keth’s flame fist* (The Brotherhood's Road)
09- meteor swarm (Lesser Fire Magic, The Brotherhood's Road)

01- chill touch
03- feign death (Lifeshielder's Road, The Spirit Road), paralyze (FA) (The Scabrous Road), vampiric touch (The Reaper's Road|The Reaper's Road, The Scabrous Road)
04- enervation (The Path of Scorn, The Reaper's Road)
06- death spell (The Reaper's Road), reincarnation (Lifeshielder's Road)
07- finger of death (The Reaper's Road, The Undying Road)
09- energy drain (The Scabrous Road)

01- Tenser’s floating disk
03- blink (Silver Road)
04- dimension door
05- Bowgentle’s fleeting journey (FA), teleport
07- gemjump (FA), teleport without error
08- gateway (FA)
09- worldwalk (FA)

01- armor, mount, shield
03- invisible mail (CW), phantom steed (Servant's Path), spirit armor* (Lifeshielder's Road, The Spirit Road)
04- stoneskin (Glassblower's Path, Stone Road), wall of iron
06- dragon scales (CW) (Dragon's Road)

01- fire burst*
02- flaming sphere (The Brotherhood's Road)
03- fireball (The Brotherhood's Road)
05- shroud of flame (FA)
07- delayed blast fireball (The Brotherhood's Road)
09- meteor swarm (Greater Fire Magic, The Brotherhood's Road)

01- wall of fog
02- stinking cloud, fog cloud (Mistweaver's Path, Windwielder's Path)
03- hold vapor (FA)
04- solid fog (Mistweaver's Path, Windwielder's Path)
05- cloudkill (Windwielder's Path), mind fog* (Dragon's Road)
06- death fog (Windwielder's Path)
08- incendiary cloud (The Brotherhood's Road)

01- avert evil eye (AA)
03- dispel magic (Road of Cups, Wizard's Road), dispel mirage (AA)
04- Otiluke’s dispelling screen (CW), remove curse
05- force shapechange (CW) (Deadbuilder's Path, Shapeshifter's Path)
06- repulsion
07- ruby ray of reversal (FA)
09- Mordenkainen’s disjunction (Wizard's Road), spellstrike (FA)

01- phantasmal force
02- improved phantasmal force
03- spectral force
05- advanced illusion
06- programmed illusion

01- spook
02- scare
04- fear, phantasmal killer
09- weird

01- protection from evil, protection from hunger and thirst (CW)
02- filter (CW), protection from paralysis*
03- protection from evil 10’ radius, dispel magic (Path of Counterspells, Wizard's Road), ward against undead (FA)
04- fire shield (Flame Dancer's Path, Greater Fire Magic)
05- Ilyykur’s mantle (FA), minor globe of invulnerability, minor spell turning*, Spendelard’s chaser (FA) (Lifeshielder's Road), invulnerability to normal weapons (CW), ironguard (FA)
06- anti-magic shell, globe of invulnerability, invulnerability to magical weapons (CW)
07- spelltrap (FA), spell turning
08- fear ward (CW), Serten’s spell immunity
09- spell invulnerability (FA), Mordenkainen’s disjunction

01- find familiar
02- call society (SH), choke (CW) (The Scabrous Road), summon swarm (Servant's Path)
03- ritual strength (SH), monster summoning I
04- genie contract (SOL), monster summoning II, summon lycanthrope*
05- dismissal, monster summoning III, reconnect (SH), oathbinding (SOL)
06- ensnarement, monster summoning IV, spiritwrack (PL) (Road of True Names)
07- cacofiend (PL), intensify summoning*, monster summoning V
08- binding, monster summoning VI
09- gate

01- hold portal, honor mark (SH)
02- Leomund’s trap, knock, web (Path of the Drow)
03- explosive runes, nightscar (FA), sepia snake sigil, proof from teleportation (FA)
04- encrypt (FA), firetrap (Flame Dancer's Path), jackal ward (SH), watchware (FA)
05- safeguarding*, secure (FA), Von Gasik’s refusal*
06- guards and wards, tattoo of power (SH)
07- Khelben’s warding whip (FA)
08- symbol

01- sleep
02- forget (Dragon's Road, Simbul's Path)
03- waves of weariness (FA)
04- emotion
05- chaos, magic jar (The Spirit Road)

01- scatterspray (FA)
02- bladethirst (FA)
03- flame arrow (The Brotherhood's Road)
04- enchanted weapon
06- Tenser’s transformation (Shapeshifter's Path)
07- Mordenkainen’s sword

01- gaze reflection
02- know alignment (Sage's Road)
06- eyebite (Dragon's Road, Road of True Names), glassee (Glassblower's Path), true seeing
08- glassteel (Glassblower's Path)

01- comprehend languages, detect disease (CW), divining rod (CW), identify, detect magic, detect undead, divining rod (CW), know school (FA)
02- detect good/evil, detect invisibility, detect life (CW) (Ghost-Seeker's Path, Lifeshielder's Road), know alignment (Road of True Sight), locate object
04- detect scrying, locate creature*, magic mirror
05- contact other plane (Ghost-Seeker's Path), know value (CW)
06- legend lore

01- unseen servant
02- Quimby’s enchanting gourmet (FA), summon swarm (Road of Pentacles)
03- phantom steed (Knight's Road)
05- Mordenkainen’s faithful hound
06- conjure animals, invisible stalker (The Djinni's Greater Path)
07- spectral guard (FA)

01- change self
02- alter self (Twin's Road), fist of the adder (SH)
04- polymorph self, polymorph other
05- force shapechange (CW) (Deadbuilder's Path, Path of Counterspells)
06- claws of the umber hulk*, Tenser’s transformation (Road of Swords), tentacles (CW)
08- polymorph any object
09- shape change

01- dancing lights, light
02- continual light, darkness 15’ radius (Black Road, Path of the Drow)
03- Nchaser’s glowing globe (FA)
05- Presper’s moonbow (FA)
08- sunburst (FA)
09- Elminster’s effulgent epuration (FA)

01- comprehend languages
03- fool’s speech* (Trickster's Road, Wild Road), tongues
05- sending
07- Drawmij’s instant summons
08- demand
09- succor

01- fist of stone*
02- Maximillian’s earthen grasp* (Road of Shifting Sands)
03- Maximillian’s stony grasp* (Road of Shifting Sands)
04- dig (Road of Shifting Sands), stoneskin (Glassblower's Path, Knight's Road), turn pebble to boulder*
05- wall of stone (Road of Shifting Sands), stone shape (Glassblower's Path)
06- move earth (Road of Shifting Sands)
08- sink (Road of Shifting Sands)

01- shocking grasp
02- ice knife (CW), whispering wind (Wind Mage's Road)
03- gust of wind (Wind Mage's Road), lightning bolt, wind wall (Windwielder's Path)
04- ice storm (Mistweaver's Path), wall of ice (Mistweaver's Path), wind breath (CW)
05- cone of cold (Mistweaver's Path)
06- chain lightning, control weather (Wind Mage's Road)
07- acid storm*

01- grease, jump, spider climb, taunt
02- fool’s gold, Tasha’s uncontrollable hideous laughter
03- chastise (SH), fool’s speech* (Speaker's Path, Wild Road)
04- fumble
07- reverse gravity
08- Otto’s irresistible dance

01- change self
02- mirror image, alter self (Shapeshifter's Path)
04- duplicate (CW) (Artificer's Path, Beggar's Path), plague (FA)
05- guise of the yak-man (SH), heat mirage (SH), seeming (Veiled Path)
06- project image
07- simulacrum
08- clone (The Undying Road)

01- lasting breath*
03- water breathing (Sea Children's Road)
05- airy water (Sea Children's Road, Wind Mage's Road)
06- lower water (Sea Children's Road), part water (Sea Children's Road)

01- Hornung’s guess*, Nahal’s reckless dweomer*, patternweave*
02- chaos shield*, Hornung’s baneful deflector*, Nahal’s nonsensical nullifier*
03- alternate reality*, fireflow* (Flame Dancer's Path, Greater Fire Magic), fool’s speech* (Speaker's Path Trickster's Road)
04- confusion, there/not there*, unluck*
05- chaos, vortex* (Eagle's Road), waveform* (Mistweaver's Path)
06- wildshield*, wildstrike*
07- Hornung’s surge selector*, spell shape*
08- Hornung’s random dispatcher*, wildzone*
09- stabilize*, wildfire* (Flame Dancer's Path), wildwind* (Wind Mage's Road)

01- cantrip, conjure spell component*, copy (CW), read magic
02- deeppockets, wizard lock, wizard mark
03- dispel magic (Path of Counterspells, Road of Cups), illusionary script, infravision (Path of the Drow), item, secret page, wizard sight*
04- divination enhancement*, Rary’s mnemonic enhancer, wizard eye
05- Khazid’s procurement*
06- contingency, geas (Path of Curses), Mordenkainen’s lucubration
09- chain contingency*, Elminster’s evasion (FA), Mordenkainen’s disjunction (Path of Counterspells)

Greater Paths, Uncommon:

Lesser Paths, Uncommon:

Sample Lost Paths:

Custom Campaign Paths

Province of Flame

Province of Sand

Province of the Sea

Province of the Wind


Site Spells Not in Paths:

  1. Message, Erase, Expeditious Retreat, Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, Protection from Vermin, Ray of Fatigue
  2. Cat's Grace, Displace Self, Irritation, Moon Rune, Protection From Cantrips, Protection from Poison, Wall of Gloom
  3. Solvent of Corrosion, Bands of Sirellyn, Wall of Water, Protection From Normal Missiles, Protection From Amorphs, Lance of Disruption, Lesser Sign of Sealing
  4. Evard's Black Tentacles, Massmorph, Lesser Geas, Mordenkainen's Force Missiles, Improved Strength, Illusionary Wall, Ultravision, Vitriolic Sphere, Conjure Elemental-Kin, Psychic Protection
  5. Improved Blink, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, Avoidance, Vile Venom, Rusting Grasp, Prying Eyes, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum, Tenser's Destructive Resonance, Proofing versus Combustion
  6. Etherealness, Arrow of Bone, Superior Magnetism, Dimensional Blade, Trollish Fortitude, Etherealness, Greater Sign of Sealing, Tenser's Transformation, Tower of Mental Resistance
  7. Descent into Madness, Seven-eyes, Hornung's Surge Selector, Neutralize Gas, Persistence, Banishment
  8. Antipathy-Sympathy, Iron Body, Heart of Stone, Analyze Dweomer
  9. Programmed Amnesia, Monster Summoning V I I, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction