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Chapter 2 - Pathmagic

Pathmagic Sample Mage

First Level Path Mage George finish his initial training with his Master at the Guild and is encouraged to go out into the world and bring back riches, magic and stores from the road.

With his standard issue spell book and his knowledge of his three chosen paths and the three 1st level spells, he goes out into the world.

As a not very bright mage (Int 10) he gets no bonus paths but his guild did direct him to the more common paths that fit his personality. The Archer's Road as he seems to like to yell from a distance, the Chromatic Path for his love of the pretty colors and the Sage's Road, for he will need all the help he can get understanding

His Spell book contains Read Magic, Magic Missile, Color Spray and Detect Magic.

Most days on the road he studies the Archer's Path though once he gets is more confident of his team, he keeps the Sage's Road as his daily practice. This pays off as he helps discover a secret cache of magic including a spell book including Divining Rod. The next chance he gets, George attempts to learn the spell as he understand the basics of the Sage's road, but with an average intelligence (and a bad roll) he fails.

Undeterred he continues adventuring and soon makes second level and with his new found understanding, he goes back to learn the Divining Rod spell and succeeds and adds to his spell book (Standard cost to copy spell). As a second level Path Mage, he now keeps the Sage's Road and the Archer's road in his mind daily as he knows the Chromatic Path is just too distracting. Before he knows it,George makes it to third level, much to the shock of his Guild, as is now able to lean a new path and 2nd level spells.

Before he even gets the chance to go back to the guild, he takes the time to work out the details of Detect Life (2nd level spell) with his growing understanding of the Sage's Road (and a very good roll and adds it to his spell book (Standard cost to copy spell).

Excited that this spell might get him on the new path of into one of the necromancy paths that include Detect Life but is disappointed to find out his guild does not accept that path as part of their guild. Instead, they allow him to learn the Knight's Path and the spell Armor (Standard training cost)

As a third level path mage, he has more decisions to make any day, while he knows 4 paths but can only keep two paths in his mind a day. He always keeps Sage's Road as the only 2nd level spell he knows but can be defensive with the Knight's Path or Offensive with the Archer's path depending on how he feels in the morning.

Not long after, George convinces his party to spare the life of a Necromancer Mage and as repayment the Necromancer agrees to train George the path of Lifeshielder’s Road which George can only learn by forgetting the Chromatic Path and Color Spray spell. Now George can continue on this path and when he reaches 5th level he can attempt to learn Spirit Armor on his own.