Main / PeasantHeroSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits

Peasant Hero

Note: This kit is taken from the book Skills and Powers.

Another Peasant Hero kit is available from the Complete Fighter's Handbook.
Another Peasant Priest kit is available from the Complete Priest's Handbook.
Another Peasant Wizard kit is available from the Complete Wizard's Handbook.

A Peasant hero is the “local kid done good.” Whatever his class, whatever his ambitions, this character always remembers that his roots are in the soil of his home—be it a bustling village, a quiet hamlet, or a lone farm miles from the nearest neighbors. He might leave his home and become a great general, a mighty wizard, a noble priest, or a master thief—but his home will always be foremost in his heart. A peasant hero might fight against tyrannical nobles who are oppressing the common people, or he could simply yearn for the wealth of the nobles—so he can return to his village and build homes, temples, schools, and more.

Social ranks: Peasant heroes come from the poorest of families. Roll 2d6 to determine the hero’s social rank.
2d6 roll Rank
2–9 Lower Class
10–12 Lower Middle Class

Requirements: This kit is open to all classes and races. There are no abilty score requirements.

Weapon proficiencies: Although a peasant hero can wield any weapon allowed by his adventuring class, favored weapons include: dagger, short sword, quarterstaff, spear, short bow, club, hand axe, knife, sickle, sling, and staff sling.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Agriculture, fishing, animal handling, animal lore, blacksmithing, carpentry, cooking, cobbling, fire-building, pottery, stonemasonry, weaving.

Equipment: See “Wealth” below.

Traits: Animal empathy, empathy, immunities, climate sense.

Benefits: The disadvantaged often make it through the rough times by helping each other. Therefore, in his homeland, a peasant hero always will be given shelter and any other help his fellows can give. They will hide him and his friends from an evil ruler’s troops, heal his wounds, and feed and clothe him. Of course, this is conditional—if the peasant hero has given up his down-to-earth ways or mistreats his former friends, he’ll find all doors in the village closed to him.

Hindrances: As he is viewed as something of a hero, a peasant hero will find the people of his homeland coming to him for assistance. If livestock are disappearing from the pens, or the village elder has been jailed for speaking against the nobles, or if another peasant is accused of crime he didn’t commit, the peasant hero will be called upon to help.

Wealth: Peasant heroes begin with half the starting maximum gold allowed for their adventuring class.