Main / PineBrook

Pine Brook

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History: The town of Pine Brook, located in northern Drillian, has existed in some form or another for many centuries. It is only in the past century or two that is has gained a name, and some fame, for itself. Sitting on a tributary of the Chandler Cowles River and surrounded by forest, Pine Brook has become known for its lumber operations and small sawmill. With a ready source of cut wood, many carpenters and would-be carpenters have gradually found their way to the area; however, this is not what Pine Brook is best known for, but is rather known for the peculiarly large chair that sits near the town entrance to greet any and all who visit the town.

The story of the chair, as told by any willing town inhabitant, is one of a simple, and admittedly humorous, misunderstanding. As the town started to become better known for its skilled carpenters, more traveled there to request commissions. One such individual came seeking a chair made from larch, or, as he told the carpenter, a larch chair. When the individual returned a week later, he was presented with a large chair. Unsatisfied, the individual tried to clarify his request, but unbeknownst to him, larch was unfamiliar to the carpenter. When the individual returned again, he was presented with an even larger chair. One more attempt at clarifying his request resulted in the largest chair the carpenter could construct, now proudly displayed in the town square.

Each year the town holds a contest to see which carpenter will win the title of chairperson. It is considered an honorable title and honorable position. The crowned chairperson will spend the year, until the next champion is crowned, maintaining the chair, protecting it from the elements, and fixing it up as they feel needs to be done. No one else is allowed to work on it.

In many ways the chair has become more important to the town over the past few decades. Rumors says The Mist is creeping ever closer to their town and it will inevitable swallow them up. Every day at least one townsperson can be found climbing the chair in hopes they will be able to see when The Mist arrives. They know it is only a matter of time

Details: Pine Brook is part of the Drake Estates and is a regular supplier of lumber to the domain. Individual carpenters are often sought in the town for commission pieces (with clarification on all orders). While the town supplies little else, they regularly trade with other nearby towns and villages, especially farmlands as they do not have any farms of their own.

Respecting the strength of a triangle, Pine Brook is run by a triumvirate system. The chairperson occupies one of these positions, and in many ways is most respected, while the other two spots, often called the seat and the leg, are elected to their position. While the chairperson often changes each year, the remaining two hold their positions for two (seat) and three (leg) years each.

Notable Individuals: