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Portian's Punishment

disease based on Paget disease

Little is known about Portian's Punishment, but what is know is its debilitating deformities that often affect tribes of lizard men. First described by a small Kayugan missionary who came across a dying tribe, and therefore thought to be divine punishment for their heretic ways, Portian's Punishment results in weakened bones and constant breaks. Those with the chronic condition can barely move if they survive to an older age, with limbs and backs twisted to odd angles, whereas the acute condition results in bones that never heal and often results in swift, painful death.

Those very few outside the faith who have found the condition intriguing enough to study, view it less as divine punishment and more likely a result of living conditions. They note that the disease is only found in clusters and not spread out. Those who contract the acute condition are usually the youngest or oldest who also live in the crudest of huts. Although one enterprising intellect has determined the condition can be transmitted to other reptiles, and not easily, it has not been found in the wild outside of lizard men tribes.