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Random Stuff

by Karen {Kaz} Wegscheid

Memoirs of an Airhead

Okay, so I'm not an actual airhead, but I just KNOW that somewhere out there, in some random universe that is similar to ours, there is a newspaper headline that fairly SHOUTS the words "KAREN WEGSCHEID LOSES BRAIN!" with a line in smaller print, "IQ goes from 132 to 18 in 3.6 seconds".

Maybe that's not how it happened, but I swear, sometimes it is how I feel. Take this game, for instance. As a teen, I'd have memorised EVERY rule, EVERY single possibility of what the best race/class combinations are, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Now I'm lucky if I can remember my cleric's name. She IS a cleric, right? Anyway, while the rest of the group goes off in a muddle of voices discussing the best spells, skills, and whatnot to get us out of whatever the present predicament is, I feel like my best offering is to keep my mouth shut and watch, completely bewildered, as five and a half million rules are trotted out and picked apart.

This, my friends, is the secret of my great success with such methods as kissing the sleeping wizard to wake her up. No, it wasn't a flash of genius. It was the desperate grasping at a vaguely-remembered straw from my childhood. To be honest, the reason I attempt such simple (and simplistic) solutions to things is that I'm not quite intelligent enough to grasp all that stuff everyone else talks about. Trust me, I'm not belittling myself - I'm simply not a smart person. How my IQ test ever spit out the score it did - before most of my brain dissipated - probably has more to do with logical common sense than intelligence. And when those around me come up with awesome plans to fix whatever mess the Dragonslayers are in, I have enough sense to keep my mouth shut until someone tells me my role in said awesome plan. Well, usually.

Hey, no one's perfect! I can add to a confusing muddle of voices with the best of 'em!

Babbling and Other Fun Stuff

Dragonslayer-related Stories?

Otherworldy Scribblings