Main / RoadhavenPriorToDragonslayers

Roadhaven - Prior to the Dragonslayers

When the Dragonslayers first passed by this abandoned keep it did not warrant noting. In later years Lady Kylia Wolfslayer was granted the deed to the keep for her service to the Monks of Ra-Khati during an adventure.

The group found the keep in large part intact, with no history attached to it.

Here is part of that history.

Known: The lands here are full of many small cave complexes that have allowed various humanoids to flourish where they otherwise would not. The area is a crossroads on the Silk Road, where gypsy caravans and many other traders pass through. This is one of the three passes through the Great Mountains to allow access to Hallstatt and beyond. Many groups used this area as a wilderness outpost before Roadhaven was established.

Suspected: The presence of several powerful groups and individuals in the area when Roadhaven was founded gave the Dragonslayers some concern. They were able to work with two tribes of giants, a woman they knew as the Spider Lady who was using a large cavern complex for her home in the valley behind the keep, a clan of dwarves, and many others.

At some point in the past these groups had to come to some agreement, although the Dragonslayers are not sure of the details of that yet.

Confidential: Kylia knows that the keep was home to a group of giants in the past, and the fact that the keep had large doors designed to keep something barricaded inside of the valley lead her to suspect some large non-flying creature such as a dragon. She has never made those concerns apparent, but quickly repaired the large doors in the keep back to their normal function.

DM Notes on Roadhaven