Main / RoadhavenTreasury

Roadhaven Treasury - Party Pack

This the the inventory of what is contained in the treasury in Roadhaven.

These items belong to Lady Kylia, who does allow the Dragonslayers to use some of the items. She also permits them to keep some party pack items here rather than leave them in the scroll of shelter.

Crystal Coins (from Mindflayers)74
Drow Coins185
12 bars @30lbs each of Mithril 
Gem TypeValue
1 Jewel?
17 Gems?
77 Precious?
84 Ornamental/Semiprecious?
One Large Chest Full of Sea Shell Beads (from Overdue Fines)?
Armor & Weapons
Staff of Battle
Full Plate +2 (human size)
Set of Full Plate Mail
a “very nice” shield
Reptile Bane –Polearm (+3 vs. Lizard men & Dragon turtles & others)
Siangkan –Dagger +1
Glaiveguisarm +1
Banded Armor +2
+1 Bastard Sword (Given to Liam)
Stiletto +1
ScrollWho Can Use
Scroll of Priest SpellsPriest
Scroll of Enchanted WeaponWizard
Scroll of ClairvoyanceWizard
Scroll of Read MagicWizard
Scroll of Detect MagicWizard
Scroll of Questioning (3/ day) non-living, non-magical (simple observations)Any
2 Scrolls of Cure Minor Wounds (ELECTRA)Priest
Scroll of Hold Poison (ELECTRA)Priest
Scroll of Effacious Monster Ward (ELECTRA)Priest
Scrolls of Cure Serious Wounds (King’s Treasury)Priest
Scroll of Free Action (King’s Treasury)Priest
Scroll of Protection from WaterPriest
Scroll of Prot. from Elemental (Flam,Sand,Sea, Wind)Priest
Scroll of Protection from Evil (Abj)Priest
3 scrolls of Minor Globe of Invunerablity (Paul, 95% chance)Wizard
4 scrolls of Improved Spider Climb (Paul, 92% chance)Wizard
Scroll of Sunrise (sun spell - 3rd level)Priest
Sunray (Sun) 7th levelpriest
2 Scrolls of Charm Person (from Almaren)Wizard
Scroll of Vocalize (from Almaren)Wizard
Door of DeathDragon
Elemental Swarm (Ele, Summ)Priest
Permanancy Prayer (All, Creation)Priest
Word of RecallPriest
Silver Tongue/ Starry Eyes (Animal)Priest
Part Water (Elem Water)Priest
Thorn Wrack (Plant) (Druid)Priest
Mulch (Plant)Priest
Bear Hug (Animal) (Druid)Priest
Weather Statis (Wards, Weather)Priest
Moonbow (Sun)Priest
Telemathaumargy (Num)Priest
Frisky Chest (Wards)Priest
Dream Vision (Div) ShojenPriest
Curvy Scurvy (Necr, Healing)Priest
Undetectable LiePriest
Illusion/ Sequesterwizard
Dragon Shape (Alt)wizard
Call - Used to make Paul Pager (Conj/ Summ, Song)wizard
Ritual of Twaining (how to breed eaglebears)wizard
Talon’s Sound Master (Ill) (Bard)wizard
Interruptable Light (Alt, Ench)wizard
Phantom Armor (Alt)wizard
Morakein’s Protection from Avians (Abj,Air)wizard
Sustain Fire (Alt, Fire)wizard
Dig/Magic Missle/Strength/Strength/Hold Personwizard
Wizard Eye/ Jump/ Infravisionwizard
Throbbing Bones/ Prot from Fire 15’wizard
Moon Magic 
Ask Question *100gp Diamond dust required (1 use)
Potion of Clairvoyance
2 Healing Potions (Dwarven Forge)Any
Potion of Invisibility (Dwarven Forge)Any
Potion of Acid Resistance (Dwarven Forge) 
Potion of Phasing 
Potion of FlyingAny
Potion of HerosimAny
Oil of Impact 
Oil of Acid Resistance 
Potion of Dragon Breath ( Dragon Only) 
Potion of WizardryWizard
Potion of Immunity from Lycanthropes 
Potion of Sweet Water (Dwarven Forge) 
Potion of Invisibility
Human Control
Pain Supression
Adventuring Finds
Black Pudding turned to stone
body of spider Fiend in deep freeze (Paul) No Blood
body of "Fear" in deep freeze (Paul)
Stoned body of Wererat
crushed helmet
mind flayer skull
heart of troll under deep freeze
body of half-devil witch under deep freeze
Wizard’s notes on Thedd
Notes on Ozymandias’ Group
map to Lich’s Phalactory
Beginning map of Gateway Tower
Map of Thed dungeon
Map of Spider Lady Dungeon
One Large Chest Full of Sea Shell Beads (from Overdue Fines)
One Large Chest Full of Sea Weed (from Overdue Fines)
Research results
Formula for Oil of Impact
Formula for Oil of Acid Resistance
Formula for Potion of Dragon Breath
Formula for Potion of Wizardry
Formula for Potion of Sweet Water (Dwarven Forge)
Formula for Potion of immunity of Lyncantropes
Formula for potion of Invisibility (Paul)
Formula for potion of Flying (Paul) (feather of Hippogriffon, Wyvern Blood)
Formula for potion of Heroism (Paul) (heart of ?)
Formula for Potion on Frost Giant Strength
Formula for Water Breathing
Magic ItemsWho can Use
Wand of Negation (5 charges used) 
Wand of Secret Door detection Charges used: – 6Any
Cube of Frost Resistance 
Talisman of Rahisa
Mage Brazier (12 HD Fire Elemental
Cleric Candle (Invocation for LG Cleric) Fire Elemental Control
Ring of Temporal Stasis 
Ring of Water Breathing (King’s Treasury)Any
Ring of Free Action (given to Liam)
Ring of Spell Storing (Dimension Door)
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Djinni
ring from invisible tree
ring from invisible tree