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Island Time

Rum Runner - In Character Discussion List

A Bit of Insight

"I don't usually tell siblings I discover that we're related. Y'all are usually pretty mad at Pa, and sometimes, you get mad at me for existing. So I play dumb, or pretend my mother raised me, or just conveniently forget my last name," prompted Vee, calmly to Zora, as they waited for the others to return to the docks. Vee stared off towards the ocean, leaning against some railing, and shrugged. "When I run into one of you that'll listen, then sometimes we find out we have more common ground than we think."

Vee kept facing the ocean, not a hint of a smile present, as she continued, "You lot usually assume I grew up with two doting parents, but my mother wasn't in the picture for most my childhood. Pa says she was sorta present those early years, the ones no one can really remember, but truth is, he did most the raisin' while she did whatever the church wanted her to do. What she wanted to do. And Pa has all them memories of your mothers, but mine? He don't talk about her much. I think she broke his heart too hard for him to want to talk about her. You know what they say about those first true loves. Or, well, maybe one of his only actual loves. No offense to your mother. I'm sure she was lovely."

"I'm glad Rocco and him found each other when I was still young. Anyone would be lucky to have a Dad like Rocco, and Pa found someone to mend his heart," remarked Vee before she sighed, pushed off from the rail, and turned towards Zora. "Since you ain't comin' on the ship, I figured I'd just let you know that. And think what you want about Pa, it's your life and your right to be mad or whatever, but he's been pretty good about keepin' tabs on you all. Donations to the church for upbringing, orderin' a bit o' extra fruit from a specific fruit seller, hiring that one specific dock kid to clean one of the ships. More than I can say about my mother."

“I’m not mad at you, Vee. How could I be? It’s none of our faults that we are where we are. And yes, I do believe we may share some things in common. Thank you for sharing a bit of your story with me. Our father seems quite devoted to you so it is natural that you would feel the same towards him. He is quite charming and I can see how so many have fallen under his spell.”

Zora paused and closed her eyes for a moment and then gave herself permission to continue. “My mother was a dressmaker for a group of wealthy families. Trying to make enough to coin to take care of both of us and be on call for the families became too much for her. I also felt like she was ashamed that I existed. Everyone knew she had no husband and, here I was. A “thing” to explain to her employers and neighbors. When I was about 6 years old she told me she was going to speak to our father. When she returned, she tossed my clothes into a sack and dragged me to the Cathedral where she left me. I have not seen her since.”

She looked at Vee and waved her hand as if it was nothing. “It’s fine. I’m probably better off without her. Without either of them really. I am only angry with our father when I think about him. So I do my very best not to,” Zora smiled ruefully. “The Church has taught me many things and I can take care of myself now. I’m sorry to have thrown those names out at you last night. When I got a bit older and started learning how to investigate, I found some of our other siblings. But it seemed to hurt more than help, and so I stopped and haven’t pushed the issue further.’

“Look, I know you love him and that’s all good. I’m happy for you. You know that gold is not the same as love. I would rather have had the latter. I suppose I can appreciate him paying for my education and giving me a hello and pat on the head when he would happen to see me on his business at the Cathedral. But it doesn’t make up for a life without anyone that cares about you other than how much service can you be to the Church in repayment for all they have taught you.’

Zora ran her hand through her hair. “Ugh! I sound like I’m feeling sorry for myself. I’m not and don’t want you to either. I’m fine. I can take care of myself. He just … took me off guard last night and I’m sorry you had to see it. I would like us to get along if we could. You are a good person and I hold no resentment towards you.”

"You know Jason the Stonemason?" asked Vee after a brief pause. "He was one of the first siblings I found. Thank goodness his aim is as bad as the alliteration is good, or I'd have a knarly scar. If you haven't found her yet, I'd be really careful around Vicentia. She's a snake, tried to pretend we were cool, but I was only a means for her to try to get at Pa. Not quite sure what happened to her after..."

Vee shook her head, letting the thought float away, before she continued, "What I mean to say is you don't need to apologize for telling me about some of the others. It's good knowing who I'm related to, even if I decide to never seek them out or tell them myself."

"Family's really important to me. My parents taught me that, although my mother took it a little too extreme by choosing her ship family, and Pa, well, you know. Rocco's got it figured out, though. Still, growing up, the idea of having so many siblings was exciting. To be related to more than my bratty brother? Family's always gonna have your back, right? Family loyalty and all, right?" Vee gave a brief grin, sarcasm obvious. "Didn't quite work out like that. I'm still figurin' out the stickiness of this complicated web, but I did gain Gloria, and maybe, I'll gain you, too."

"It ain't gonna necessarily be smooth sailing, though. I don't say much about Pa around Gloria. I mean, Pa and her mother mixed like oil and water so really, probably a blessin' he wasn't in her life or she'd've had something more than her foot broken," replied Vee, tapping her head lightly. She gave a light sigh. "And I'm gonna respect it as much as I can around you, too, to not bring it up. Not that I'm feelin' sorry for you, you told me not to, but it's better to not be angry all the time or reminded of a lonely childhood. Truth is, I don't do it for myself, either. Always hurts hearin' someone hates someone you love so best not to bring it up since I still don't know how to handle it."

"But," said Vee, a glint her her eyes and a mischievous smile at her lips. "If you ever do want to 'track down your mother', I know these seas well and can sail many a ship. I'm happy to help you in that quest." She paused and gave Zora an assessing look. "You don't seem too straitlaced to me, but if ain't clear, I'm offerin' to help crew the ship even if you suddenly, very unpredictable, decide to end your search five minutes after Pa loans one of the ships to you. Although, if you did wanna search for her, I can help with that, too, I suppose."

"I just want one of them ships," said Vee, more muttering to herself at this point. She gave another sigh, dragging herself back to the present. "Sorry. I don't mean to make light of it. I mean, your mother doesn't sound lovely like I thought, but I don't judge where the winds take someone, and if they take you searchin', that's your right."

"Not sure we're comin' back to Osterhold after this, although I should see what Dad wants before I run off again, but visit the Seven Sirens Taven in Achild if you wanna get a hold of me to chat or whatever long lost siblings do. You can meet Gloria there, too. You'll like her. Promise. I don't wanna get your hopes up or anything, maybe you're too used to being alone to allow others in, but family that cares about you is great. It's never too late to find that if you'll allow yourself to have it."

“Well, that was a lot!” Zora said with a laugh. “I’m sorry I can’t help you with getting a ship. I’m not in the mood to search for any relatives at the moment. I’m not sure what the future holds for me. Especially after that sticky situation I got myself in with the Baron’s brother-in-law and head of the City Guards. I just might need to leave town. Or not. I’ll have to see how big of a mess I’ve gotten myself into. But thank you for the offer. I shall think on it and might see you there some time.”

Zora started to turn away, but then looked back at Vee. “I want to clarify something,” she said. I don’t hate our father. I reserve that word for what is truly evil in this world and I don’t believe our father is evil. Selfish and careless is more like it. It’s fine to be careless with one’s own self and possessions, but it is another to be careless with other people. So when I think of him or see him, I see his faults. You have been fortunate enough to see him more, so you can see beyond what I do. I … I just wanted you to know that.”

"Thank you," said Vee with a slight smile that quickly became a genuine grin. "And you can't blame a girl for trying for a ship."

She gave Zora a sharp salute, and a wink, as she said, "Even if you have questionable taste in men, I do hope to see you again, Zora."

A Curiosity

"So tell me, priestess. Why did you let the church choose you? How's that even work? And where does a holy person like yourself learn such a good uppercut?" asked Vee, curious.

"Let the Church choose me?" Ava said to herself, then smiled. She thought Vee may be confused, after all, she's from the sea and not any Church by land. "Oh, I have been a part of the Church all of my life. And so have my parents, and their parents before them, for some generations. My father has always been proud of it, and I am happy to have a family that is not bound to just my father and siblings."

"Hmm, not sure if I should feel sad for you or not," replied Vee, stumped. "So, uh, you've just... always been with the church? Forever? None of ya ever, you know, not been with them? And that still doesn't tell me how you learned to punch. If anything, I'm more confused about that uppercut!"

"As far as my father has talked about." Ava takes a moment to think, "yes, as far as I know we have always been a part of the Church, but, why is that sad?" Ava searches Vee's eyes, trying to understand then remembers, "Oh!" She giggles and says, "Most of us who have been deemed to be Priests and Priestesses are trained to defend ourselves and those who are members of the Church. Though we do not devote much of our time to the physical defenses, we are trained here and there. The women of the Church find this of upmost importance. Otherwise, my father has taught me that I need to be ready to defend against any wild animals or men." Laughs, and then looks up, "I'm sorry, it's a father joke."

"Well at least y'all got some sense there," replied Vee, shaking her head with pity. "Just seems odd to be to be so fully devoted to an entity that gets to tell you what to do. Much as I love my dads, even they sometimes have trouble makin' me do things. Like that time I told y'all of sneaking off on a ship rather than being grounded 'cause it was a stupid reason they tried to ground me."

"It's just... most the holy ones I've met just seem so... innocent of how the world really works, ya know? No sense of self except blinding duty to your church. No offense to you, priestess, but even you haven't seen much of the world, have you? I mean, I admire how much you care about your community, I'll give you that, but when you go off and do stuff, are you really doing what your goddess wants or are you only doing what the church wants? Do you always do what they want?"

"Innocent? I do not think that they are or we are innocent to the world at all. We are connected to it. That is what the Goddess is, she is the very earth - you, me, the others on this adventure are all connected and have always been, even before the meeting because of Her - we are all her children." Ava stammers as she says, "W-well, no... I have not explored much at all. But I feel like I am meant to go now. There are just too many signs, despite having to leave my family to tend to things on their own." Her eyes light up, "but that's what the Church is there for as well! They blessed my departure and will surely support my family while I am gone..." Ava trails off and mummers, "Sometimes we all could use support - when mistakes are made, they can help."

Ava brings her attention back to Vee and says, "but tell me about your fathers! You don't speak much about your family."

"Oh, so you see the Church like family. Now it makes a bit more sense," replied Vee, nodding in understanding. "Or at least like extended family? Another family? I'd still be careful if I were you. I had a Aunt Bertha, once. She'd see me on the street, and be all, 'Hey, Little V.'" Vee paused and gave Ava a look. "Always got it wrong, that should've been my first clue. It's Vee, not V. Anyways, she'd go, 'What's your father got you doing today?' and I'd always tell her, 'Mind your own business,' and that right pissed her off. But you know what? She was too damn nosy, sticking it where it didn't belong. And when extended family starts tryin' to cause drama, well, ya gotta be careful, know what I mean? Just keep that in mind."

"Not sayin' you're wrong about your Goddess. Dimere, right? Deltan's twin. The God I follow. It's good they both look out for the animals and the land, wild and not. They balance each other well. Probably means we'll get along just fine. As long as you keep an open mind, I think explorin' will do ya some good. Better late than never, yeah?"

"My dads made sure I got to explore plenty growin' up. Tossed me on all sorts of ships. They didn't want me livin' a sheltered life," said Vee, simply. "But they always gave me reason to come home. They're the best. If your family is like mine, I can see why you'd love 'em so much. It's too bad the Cathedral had ya running to visit or ya would've met them before we left."

"Dad's the reason I wasn't a disaster as a teenage. I tried to leave the house once in this green dress with this yellow vest... thing. I thought it looked so cool at the time. He actually locked the door and made me change, wouldn't let me leave the house lookin' like that, and I don't blame him now," said Vee, laughing a bit at the memory, looking off into the past. "Although he still ain't convinced me to wear lipstick. Says I still need to smooth out some of my edges or somethin'. I got a stick of cherry red lipstick in my pack he gave me that I'm tryin' to ignore. Maybe one day I'll listen to him."

"And Pa... well, he's the reason our family stayed together. Sure, he got around some in the past, but it takes two to tango, yeah? Ain't fair to toss all the blame on him," said Vee with a spot of old annoyance that never went away. "And it ain't my fault he dotes on me. He's what my mother never was, and should have been, even if he did love her, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise."

Vee shook her head, and the memories, away, and gave her full attention back to Ava. With a small shrug, she said, "Anyways, been my dads and my brother, though I ain't sure what's he's off doin' at the moment. And things have changed as I grew, but ain't the point. They're still great."

"But what about your family? I mean, besides them all being part of the Church an' all. I'm sure there's more to them than that, yeah? You haven't said anything about your mother."

A Note to Ruffus

Ain't even mornin' yet and I'm havin' to think. You stiff me on our deal, you stiff yourself, yeah? Hope nothin' happens to be misplaced gettin' returned to you. That'd be an added shame.

XOXO, (lipstick print)

(in reference to the two missing bottles of rum; everything else was stuffed in his bags and the rip tied shut by wrapping rope around the whole thing; yes, full on symbolism here).

A Potential Promotion

"We should talk, Matty," prompted Vee, handing him a mug of rum. She leaned against the rail, drinking water from her own mug - not that she'd ever admit to knowing she shouldn't be drunk. Buzzed, sure, but not sloppy drunk. Ignoring the likely suspicious look he was probably shooting at her for wanting to talk, she kept her eyes on the horizon, as she continued, "Much as I enjoy watchin' you sweat, for the sanity of Lirt, I suppose I should put an end to that."

"You know she had to be my First Mate, yeah?" said Vee, giving him a meaningful, sideways glance before the horizon took her attention back. "She's got her head on right, helps keep me in line, and cherishes books like gold. There ain't a single soul that'd look at a face like hers and think she's up to no good. I told ya, she's help me outta a tight spot or two. Damn, I love that lil' sea witch. She's got smarts and a sober mind. And she's got clean hands. I wanna keep it that way."

Vee took another swig of water, sighed, and turned around to look up at the mast. A little more careful with her words, she said, "A legit ship like this, flying a flag like that, needs a First Mate. It needs a Quartermaster, too. You know, someone else to help with the navigation, and the rations, and keepin' the crew in line. You already got them cookin' skills for it, yeah? And unlike First Mate, you don't gotta worry about keepin' me outta trouble as much as keepin' the crew in check. You can drink more, too."

"Of course, that's on a legit ship like this one," continued Vee, again giving him the sideways glance. "But when you, say, fly a different flag, them positions, well, they get a lil' bit mixed up, yeah? Suddenly there ain't a First Mate and somehow Quartermaster becomes second most important person. Say the Captain wants that fat purse hangin' on the belt of an injured man at a party. She ain't gonna turn to her First Mate for that. No, she turns to her Quartermaster. A muggin', a treasure huntin', and all them... activities others may think twice about? The ones your sticky fingers already take a likin' to? That's what a Quartermaster is for, yeah? A position with two meanings dependin' on what we're doing."

"Think about it and let me know. The position is yours if ya want it," said Vee, tipping the mug back and gulping the rest of the water down. She clinked her empty mug against the one Matty still held, gave him a wink, and walked off. She paused, and turned around just long enough to say, "But that don't give you the right to be botherin' any of my pets like Mr. Ross, got it?"

Jericho's first Drinking Session

"Oh my gods? How do you guys stand this stuff?" <Ponders the Mug Again?> <Drinks Again> "I thought it might taste better the second time? Why am I drinking this again?" <Gags>....pauses...<Drinks Again>.

2 Tankards Later:

"And that's why I'm lonely! And I got wrapped up in this shitty "quest" <Air Quotes> got a death curse placed on me for trying to do the right thing and I..."

2 More Tankards Later. "Hey Jericho, maybe slow down a bit?"

"mmjhmmkj" <Passes Out>

The Next Morning:

"Why does my head feel like Vee slammed the hilt of her dagger into my head, and my mouth tastes like what I can only imagine a seagull shit tastes like? Vee? Why do you drink again? I'm actually having trouble...."

<Holds up finger> "one moment" <Rushes to the side of the ship and spews the contents of the previous night over the railing, coughing>

<Holds up hands to his head> "My head hurts" <Another Pause while he holds up a finger>

"As I was saying, why do you drink again? Moreover, how do you remember the last night? Cause it's kind of fuzzy for me."

Matty's Musings

The dagger spun up into the air, the stone blade dully shining in the lanternlight of the tavern.

It wasn't a bad offer, Matthias mused to himself. He absent-mindedly caught the dagger as it came down blade over handle, wincing slightly as he underestimated the speed of the descent. Ruefully gazing at the dagger, he shook his head. He wouldn't have been so clumsy with his knife, he reflected. But... he was still getting used to the weight of Vee's new gift.

Not that he wanted his knife back, he thought guiltily. He briefly scanned the tavern, half-worried that thinking such thoughts might summon the new owner of his once-favorite knife.

"Quartermaster..." he mouthed to himself. Not bad for a boy of sixteen... It wasn't captain, or even first mate, but maybe it was better that way. The thought of having to corral or control the likes of Levi, Rothuss, or... gods forbid, Vee was a nightmarish one, no matter what appeal the position itself held.

The dagger spun up into the air, the stone blade dully shining.

He grimaced as he caught the dagger, a part of him wondering why he even bothered with this group. Ever since he joined up with them, there had been so much drama and chaos. An urge rose up in him to walk away from it all. Walk away from the pain of disappointing Vee, the frustration of Levi's snide commentary, the terror of watching them get hurt.

Was this what having a family was like? The thought crept through his brain, worm-like, unsettling and yet an idea that he couldn't dismiss.

The urge to run rose louder in his mind, roaring like the incoming tide. Just sign up for the next outgoing ship. He'd been a cabin boy before and there was no indignity in the position, no matter what his 'family' claimed. He could do it... he could leave them all behind and go off, sail alone into that blue ocean that always haunted his dreams.

Sure, it would mean that Jericho would almost certainly die from that curse-thing of his, and Levi would almost certainly die from that smart-mouth-thing of his, and Vee would almost certainly die from that stupidity-thing of hers....

Groaning, he felt his head slowly sink to the table, the cool wood soothing his nerves.

Gods be damned, he thought. He could already imagine how smug Vee would look when he told her that he accepted her offer.