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Setting Up Home - In Character

Late in the evening, Indigo caught Branwyn sitting alone at the back of the knarr looking out onto the river. After looking around to make sure no one seemed to need him, he went over to sit beside her. Watching the water ripple as the ship moved through it, he said quietly, “I don’t think I can do this. I’m not a captain. Boats and ships are really different things.”

Branwyn gave a small smile, her eyes on the water as well. “And I’m not an ambassador. Parlor tricks at Lord Mosskin’s table and representing Drillian’s interests abroad are also really different things.”

Indigo’s shoulders slumped. “They’re going to laugh at me. Terraguard has the best navy of everyone and all I’m good at commanding is a rowboat.”

Nudging him with her elbow, she replied, “And as soon as I’m introduced in town, the last ambassador’s murderer will probably be coming for me. Besides that, there will be the endless comparisons, critiques of proper diplomatic protocol and plenty of laughter and insults I’m sure. But mine will most likely be behind my back. At least with sailors, if they have a problem with you, you generally hear about it to your face.”

“That doesn’t make it any easier.”

Branwyn sighed and nodded. “No, it doesn’t. So, should we jump overboard and swim back to Rivers Bend? I’ve got some coins and we can stay with Bellamin at his tower until we get settled. What do you say we forget all of this?”

Indigo looked up at her, his mouth slightly open. “You would do that?”

“If you really don’t want to go. If you aren’t brave enough for this, we don’t have to. The others have their titles. They can take care of things. We can just go and be done with this nonsense.”

“I am too brave enough! I just … just wish I knew more. Remember when we first got the knarr? I took the bugbear pirate ship and tried to steer it and it just went around in circles on the lake? And Llathandryll cast the light spell and so everything was all lit up and all the villagers were staring at the ship going round and round? The Queen’s Captain can’t let that happen.”

“Oh, Indigo,” she said softly and gave him a light kiss on the top of his head. “We won’t let that happen again. You know what the best part of being in charge is? You don’t actually have to "do" anything. You just tell other people what you want and let them worry about the rest. You will have the spyglass, and you will look out to the horizon and all those sailors will make sure you get to where you want to go.” Branwyn looked out into the distance entirely unsure that her path would be that simple.

After a bit, Branwyn went back over to rejoin the group. Looking over at Jennevive, she said cheerfully, “We have many days left on this journey. We don’t you entertain us with a story. Within about six months, you have been on an assignment for Father Wilkhorn, given a title of Counselor to the Queen on spiritual matters, assigned yourself to live at Skull Church to protect Tristan’s interests, and now you are the Ambassador of the Kayugan Faith to me. You know that I supported your efforts with Father Wilkhorn, so I do not mean this in a negative light, but I am curious how you managed to pull all of this off, who is doing all the work you are supposed to be doing in Drillian while you are here and if you have any future plans? Your next goal must be truly amazing, though I do think you took somewhat of a demotion in coming with me all this way when you could be home with the Queen.”

She paused for a second and then said, "Or if that is too boring you can always tell us about your romance with Red Cloak."

Jennevive put down her book she was reading and smiled at Branwyn. "I was happy to be chosen for this assignment. You will be an interesting person to work with. I never would have imagined you thought that the Queen would pick you as the ambassador to Terraguard for the Kingdom. You must admit I am sure that you did not ever foresee such a thing happening to you." She smiled as Branwyn had to acknowledge the fact with a short nod.

"Now Indigo on the other hand I can easily see being the best person for his job. We will be in a large city away from friends and trusted associates. He will be able to negotiate for you with the representatives from the Gold Hills. He gives you automatic authenticity. The same with Ilero and Blackwater. With Tristan and his steadfast belief that the Church cannot be wrong. The Queen did well in choosing you for this post. You will have a wide variety of skills to lean on. Even the mercenaries will listen to you or to Barnabas. I think that the next few months will be very interesting to say the least."

Jennevive looked out at the city sliding behind them with a wistful smile. "I have promised the Queen that I will do that I can to facilitate your interactions with the Church and to attempt to smooth over the inevitable problems that arise. You will be seen as an impartial arbiter for many people. I imagine that you will be the talk of the city for a while and that you might find some unusual people attempting to make use of your services. Some of them will not want the Crown of Terraguard involved in their negotiations while others might want you to be the arbiter for them with the Crown.

I look forward to you testing my skills as never before."

She picks up her book and opens to return to reading. Branwyn sits weighing all these threads that she will have to balance. "Oh and by the way, Red hates to leave The Mist. You will at least not have to worry about that for a while."

(after the events of sep2614

Hoffman speaks to branwyn loud enough for others to hear.

Branwyn, I imagine that did not go as you would have liked, but maybe it was a good transition. If they had been bugbears, the lesson would not be a clear. When we get to the city, I bet you want us to change tactics. And without the dragon singer, you will be the most vocal. Maybe you should be clear now on procedures of dealing with civilized trouble.

“Always the difficult questions. Sometimes I think you just like to hear me talk, Hoffman,” she said with a warm smile. “I think I had less displeasure in the encounter than you may think. When we all emerge from a dangerous situation alive, I like that well enough. I did not disagree with the basic strategy that was used. The ship, almost everything we own, and what the Queen has given us is here. It cannot be taken. It is that simple. If someone tries, they must be stopped, by any means necessary.”

“I did not fight in my usual manner simply because of the dagger to the throat ordeal,” Branwyn looked over at Jenneivive and nodded as if they will speak later on the subject, “I owe Jennevive my life now, for I am certain that if she had not acted so quickly or had been unsuccessful in holding the pirate with the knife at my throat, I would have been dead or, at the very least, unconscious and lying in a pool of my own blood. When Ilero hit him lightly on the back of the head, I thought my death was assured. Afterwards, I could not risk Marisu’s life if my actions were not as effective as they needed to be. The remorse if I failed her would be overwhelming. When they took us, they shouted for everyone to stop, I thought talking would be possible or at least talking with enough time to plan to make sure the odds of our safety were more assured.”

Branwyn paused for a moment. “You see, I probably think too much. When the ship ran alongside us, I was wondering if these were simple pirates looking to loot a ship or if they were sent specifically for us. When of all the people on the ship, they chose to take myself and the daughter of the Earl of Doeskin, I wondered again if they were sent for us. This is one of the reasons that I was happy to keep at least one of them alive long enough to question him. It turns out that these pirates were indeed simple and not exactly the most skilled and my worries were exaggerated. But my point is I suppose that you never know who you are dealing with when you get into deadly altercations with men. This shall be more pronounced when we arrive in Dryads Lair.”

She continued, “I have no wish to make strict rules of conduct for any of you. You are all intelligent and skilled and do not need me to tell you what you must do other than for me to offer my advice and past experience as a guide, Besides that, every situation is different. I cannot predict what will be required in each situation. The only things I will say, and you know this better than anyone Hoffman, is that if someone yields or surrenders to any one of us, that is to be respected. I do not give my word lightly and if I do, I will keep it to the best of my ability. I ask that none of you make a liar of me. In this particular case, there was no way that Shurkural could have known what had happened on the long boat. But when she hit Varyn, it became my obligation to protect him as I said that I would,” she shrugged. “I promised him he would live and I would have done whatever I needed to do to make sure that happened.”

“The last thing I will say comes from our experiences in cities before. We all must be careful of who people are and their possible standing and to always be aware that we are not in Drillian anymore. Our Queen does not control this land and there are constables and judges that decide local matters. Extreme actions will have consequences and without being there yet, I cannot say how much influence I will have to protect anyone who gets in trouble there.”

“In the Ghostwood Estates, we tried to get information by breaking into the Mayor’s house and we were caught. Esmerelda, Sarengar and Indigo were arrested. I begged and tried to take some of their punishment. Sir Toybin made a case for leniency and for all of that, we were not able to save Esmerelda’s hand. We saved Sarengar’s beautiful voice but he had an ear taken instead. Though we saved Indigo’s hand, his arm was crushed and broken, taking many weeks to heal. And that was in Drillian. I am not sure what local influence I will have until we get there. I would just urge everyone to keep their heads about them.”

Hoffman thinks for a second. "While I appreciate the vote of confidence or at least the chance of freedom,some of the fact that we are here in your name and you are here in the Queen's name is why we should have more restrictions. I had considered going in as a separate party but I was not sure if that would be too dishonest for such an Nobel quest.

Ilero shrugged and managed to look a bit abashed. "Sorry. Hye learn new trick, sposed knock person straight out. It only t'ing I t'ink of at moment, so hye try. But hye not good enough, need more practice. Hye not sure how do mine job yet, or even if good for job. Hye scout. Not bodyguard. We go city. Big City. Not swamp. Hye not even Drillian. Why hye get job, not Hoffman?" He turned and started to move back to another part of the boat when Marisu spoke up.

"Ilero, do I remember correctly that the Queen made you Head of Security for the Ambassador? Not just Bodyguard, but Head of Security. I would interpret that to mean that you should have people working for you in that capacity. Why don't you use your authority to assign a bodyguard to the Ambassador?

Ilero paused, then nodded his head. "Is good t'ought. Hye t'ink more on it. Hoffman, you okay watch Branwyn for now? Hye go rest and t'ink."

Hoffman stares blankly as Ilero walks out, then looks at Branwyn. "Is that okay with you?"

“For as long as you wish, Hoffman,” she said pleasantly and then called out loudly hoping Ilero would hear, “She’s right you know.”

“The Queen knows full well that Ilero is not a fighter and nor should he be a bodyguard. I took the term Head of Security to be more of an intelligence, sneaky, spying sort of title. I think Ilero’s skills will be used more than ever once we get settled into Dryads Lair. Any gifts or missives for the Ambassador must be checked in light of the premature death of the last one. I really don’t want any scrolls exploding in my face if we can help it. And I certainly do not expect these parties and events to be merely excuses to get dressed up and drink. Yes, I would like us to enjoy ourselves, but what better opportunity for a person like Ilero to take advantage of his abilities to gather information that could help us. I think he will be far too busy doing all the sorts of … scout-like things he can dream up to spend his time following me around.”

Branwyn took a deep breath and continued. “I really didn’t mean to discuss this until we got to Dryads Lair and were able to get our bearings. I didn’t want us to get ahead of ourselves before we knew what we were walking into, but now is as good a time as any.’

‘Hoffman, I wish you to take leadership of what will be our Household Guard. You and Ilero can work together regarding resources you will both need and you will take Shurkural, Barnabas, MJ and Galdek if you can pry him away from Imari, and Leatherus if he is willing to leave Tristan’s side to support you. Like Jennevive said earlier, Barnabas should be a good resource with mercenary companies if we are in need of either information or their services. Indigo, I have no doubt, will be at your side if he is not off busy being captain somewhere.’

“Speaking of Indigo,” she said looking at her partner fondly. “I hope any of you will assist him in his duties if he is in need of you.’

‘Tristan and Jennevive I expect will be working most closely together,” she continued her voice taking on a bit more of a mischievous tone. “Tristan has spent most of this voyage praying for our success, but I do hope he re-emerges soon so he can share what his hopes and needs will be as we get settled.’

‘But we are not done yet. I was very surprised in the interest Imari has taken in our new household and the proper impression we must make. Her ideas are well founded and I would like to see her, Marisu and Miranda take over our Household Affairs. Though no one loves a good party more than me, I do not have the patience to plan them and set appointments and make sure that the house is running smoothly and properly for an Ambassador. Imari has shown she has an eye for what is needed and Marisu has the background and skills to deal with our new contacts appropriately and I expect will be quite adept at getting us what we want reasonably. Jilly shall assist them as well, though I have grown quite comfortable with Jilly and shall like her to remain with me for the most part to keep my library and quarters in order.’

‘These were just my initial thoughts as we have made our way thus far. Please talk to me and tell me what you think or if there is another role you wish to take. I fully expect that things may change once we have arrived. I did, as always, have a bit of trouble with Miranda,” she finished, looking at her to try to pull her in. “I am not good at reading you and if there is a role you wish to have that I am not seeing, you must talk to me. I do want you to do something that will make you happy here.”

Marisu speaks up again. "If it's okay, I have a couple pieces of advice I can pass along. I haven't ever been a diplomat, but a few of the things I've been taught might come in useful. First off, assume anyone you meet there might be a spy. Most people aren't, of course, but anyone *could* be. It doesn't mean you can't talk to anyone, but just think about what you're about to say and think if it's something that could be used against us somehow. Most of us are probably completely unknown in Dryads Lair, and so anybody interested in Drillian will probably be very interested in us. We might be able to pretend to be stronger or weaker than we really are, if we work it out in advance and keep our stories straight."

"Second, if you're not good with being diplomatic, it might sometimes be better to pass the person you're talking to over to someone who is. While some rudeness from non-diplomats will probably be overlooked, it could also upset someone we want to be our friend. Again, it's mostly just a 'think before you speak' type of guideline. Until we know who our friends and enemies are, it's better to walk softly."

"And third, probably most everyone we meet at events will want something from us, or Drillian. It could be as simple as wanting to be friendly with Drillian, or more complicated like wanting to get Drillian involved in a tricky alliance situation to shift the balance of power around. We'll probably never know exactly what they really want, but if a diplomat is being nice to you, it's usually because they want something."

"You know Tristan, Cahus only asks that you remain celibate not chaste. Perhaps it will be very good to work closely with you." Jennivive said with a warm smile.

Coming up to the surface and shielding his eyes from the daylight Tristan smiles at her suggestion. "That is true Jennevive. Though from my talks with Leatherus, he appears more inclined to bed the daughters of Brennios. Perhaps you should try your charms on him."

Looking to Branwyn and Jennevive, "I am glad to have a moment with both of you. I wanted to discuss with you Branwyn what role I am to play in this endeavor. The Queen, in all her wisdom, has given me the title of your "Spiritual Advisor" and Aunt Jennevive the title of your "Spiritual Liaison". However, the duties that we shall serve has been left to you Branwyn. I have served with my father at his court and have learned some of the tools to be a competent diplomat as well as learned a thing or two on the workings of royal politics. I would suggest allowing me and Jennevive to make contact with the heads of our orders here at the Grand Celestry as soon as possible. Perhaps they can give us insight on the who's-who in this city. Knowledge, as you know, can be very valuable. One thing I've learned in my father's court is that nobles can be very...sensitive to the order they are approached. One could see it as a snub if we wait to long to see them. Or see it as an insult if we approach a political enemy first. We don't want to make enemies of powerful people before we get too far situated."

"I have also instructed Leatherus to be at Hoffman's disposal." He motions to Leatherus with his shirt off moving large barrels and crates around the ship cleaning up after the battle. "As you can see, he can be more than capable as one of the house guards or a personal guard of anyone conducting royal business while we are in the city. He is an honorable fellow and can be trusted."

”Tristan, I agree with you completely about showing our proper respect. I am counting on you both to help me navigate the maze of priests without alienating them. This is the grand center of all things Kayugen after all. I want you to do what you need to in order to gather information and contacts and send the proper greetings and probably offerings. You always seem to have to give gifts when dealing with priests and churches,” Branwyn began.

“That said, I am sure I will have to meet with them myself at some point and your wisdom in their attitudes beforehand would be greatly appreciated. People of high rank do not take kindly to only being seen by advisors. It makes them think you do not think them worthy of your time. So you cannot hide me from them forever or that in and of itself would be an insult,” she said with a smile. “But whatever you can do to pave the way for that eventuality would be most helpful.’

‘It is my understanding that the Kayugan faith encompasses the worship of many gods and goddesses. I hope that you can use that diplomatic training of yours along with Jennevive to be welcoming and accommodating to followers of the Kayugan gods that you do not seem to like very much. At the very least, to do so at times when you are in your capacity as a representative of Drillian. Marisu gave some very good advice on that score and I’ll agree to behave if you will,” she said with a grin.

“But really, you must be quite happy to be coming here to the center of your faith. I do want you to also take time for yourself and pursue what enrichment that you can achieve here as well. Oh, and I have heard there is a place here of some sort dedicated to the Arm of Cahus. Indigo was quite taken with this brotherhood when he was at the Vilmar Citadel and I am sure he would like to take a tour when time and the Order allows.”

With a wry grin and a flourishing bow Tristan responds "I shall behave as requested Ambassador Marquessa Branwyn."

With a wink he adds "See I can be civil!"

"Aunt Jennevive and I shall meet with our respective orders as I am sure each deal with slightly different...personalities in the city. Aunt Jennevive I'm sure can help gather information on the underbelly of this city. The happenings and who we need to speak to in order to grease a palm to get what we need. I shall speak with my order on who is who on the military guard, and the Constable. That way we can try to be on the right side of the laws in this city as many places are known for their peculiar rules. I will also help find out the names of the important nobles in this city and learn if there are any underlying factions between houses. That could prove useful."

As a large grin comes across his face Tristan adds "It is true that this journey for me is extremely personal. I have been deep in prayer hoping for divine inspiration while at the Grand Celestry. It is as you say, the center for my faith. I am anxious to see the grand churches, and pray at the holiest of our relics. I also wish to pay homage to my brothers who serve at the tip of the spear in the wars serving Cahus. These paladins are the purest embodiment of all that Cahus teaches. It will be a humbling experience to say the least."

"If you don't have anything else for me to do, I'll just bodyguard Marisu here," says Shurkural from her spot off to one side. "I don't know what else I can do yet, but I'm happy to do whatever." She grins, "And I'm sure I can help spend some of that money, too."

Marisu smiles. "Thank you, Shurkural. That would be wonderful. It wasn't much fun being a hostage, and I'd rather not do it again soon."

Shur nods. "I'll do what I can to keep you outta harm's way, sugar." She stands up and stretches, then starts to follow Ilero. "I'm going to go talk to Ilero, try to cheer him up some. Seems to be a bit upset over how that fight went."

Miranda smiles as she is petting her dog, Eddie and stops as she speaks to Branwyn. "Thank you, Branwyn, I appreciate your kind words. While this is yet another unexpected change, it does feel like a new start or at least a step in the right direction. While ideally I would love to be teaching, dogs, kids and maybe even adults and then ever once in a while go out with the group treasure hunting. I do not think anyone can predict what awaits for us or how I will be able to help but for now, I am a DragonSlayer under your command and under your's and Hoffman's guidance so if I need a title, Assistant is perfectly acceptable, but I would appreciate Associate. On a completely different subject, do you think I am indulging too much to teach Eddie how to fly?" she finished with a wink.

Branwyn laughed. “If Eddie’s up for it that should be interesting. It would definitely add a new dimension to a game of Fetch! But you are most correct that without Qui here to do some divinations for us, any plans may very well be upended as soon as we leave this ship. I just wanted to have a sense of the general direction you wanted to go. And I don’t think everyone necessarily needs a specific title at the moment. Believe me, they are highly overrated. But Associate? That’s … that’s the title for…” Branwyn eyes quickly darted over to Tristan and then back to Miranda and she bit her tongue. “We’ll figure something out.”

Tristan raises an eyebrow "Be careful how quickly you dismiss titles Branwyn. Titles do serve a purpose. It gives people an understanding of power structure. True, it can also be used to subjugate others but you must not shy away from your titles. They give you political clout and will be needed to arrange meetings. As to my title, call me what you wish. Patron is all the honorific I ever need and I do not need that even from friends. All I am here to do is ensure you succeed in your position as you helped me secure my church Branwyn. All I need to know is what I can do to help. Otherwise, I shall see to it to do as I see fit to ensure you succeed here..."

Branwyn relaxed as she saw that Tristan didn’t seem to be getting any funny ideas and she smiled and nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yes, thank you Tristan!”

Miranda gives a crooked smile. "if by fetch you mean fetch the bad guy. Just think, we are hanging out and someone get kidnaped or someone tries to steal something. What faster way to catch someone than with a flying dog. Maybe with a flying Shur, but that might be a harder trick.

After the events of Oct1014

Hoffman asks Branwyn, after the strangers leave. "do you think the last Ambasador rented the house? I know you may not want to stay permanent, but .. I just wonder if the land of the old house could be built on. I had thought my carpentry skills might come in handy but I am not sure I should work on someone else's house?

Branwyn looked up at Hoffman, “Those are questions I did not think to ask so I cannot answer them. You should run out and get Phillipe back here and I’m sure he can tell us the status of the old house site and what we can do with this one. If we do decide to undergo a major construction project from the ground up, most likely I would like to rent one of these houses in the meantime. I don't really like the prospect of leaving all of our things on the ship for so long.’

‘Once you get the answers from Phillipe we can all discuss it. There are certain features of the villa in particular that could not easily be duplicated and I am not sure Ilero would like to give those up. But it is good to have all our options laid out so please pursue it. I would also be interested in knowing the costs of constructing a new house of the size that we will need. The villa would be 4,000 gp a year and the mansion would be 3,200 gp.”

Hoffman runs out of the house looking for Phillipe and his assistance. "I am sorry, I was a little to distracted to ask you this before you left. What are our options as far as owners ad the city to do more work on these houses, or in the case of the first one building more on the land? And speaking of land, what of the land the burned house is on, who does that belong to?

"Yes Sir Hoffman?" Phillipe listens. "Ahhh I see. To answer your question on the previous residence that location is under construction currently. It seems they are replacing it with a slightly different layout. The Mistress liked that house because it was two stories with the entertaining downstairs and the three bedrooms upstairs. I do not think that Branwyn would appreciate such close living quarters."

Phillipe continues, "For the renovations you are asking about. For guests such as your group and the Ambassador most landlords will expect there to be many changes. Some of the more suspicious I dare say might have a priest come to a cleansing after having barbarians in them for such a time. Both of the locations that I showed you today have owners that are distant from the city and so work through agents here to maintain their holdings in the city. You can feel free to do any sort of work on the buildings, either of them, that you wish as long as you to not damage the structure itself. I do hope that it will not take too long for you to decide on a residence." lowers his voice, "I personally would like to move out of the Inn in the Navy Yard and back to a more civilized neighborhood."

He steps down the street. "I will return after supper this evening to hear what the Ambassador wishes me to move forward on. Have a good meal Sir Hoffman."

Ilero explains his thoughts over dinner. "Bot' houses has interesting points. Of two, second better 'cause more beds and room. Secret dock interesting, but also secret way in for outsiders. So is problem and opportunity in one. If decide go elsewhere hye not cry over loss."

Hoffman bids goodnight to the trio, walks the perimeter of the house, looking at neighboring houses and conditions of the street, then goes to find Ilero. "sir, should I call you sir? Either way I wanted to make my recommendation direct to you so and to to chain of command. I did not want to ask the political assistance but I wanted to discuss one more thing with you before you give your formal recommendation to Brawynn . do you think we need to find about any sewers in the area of the two houses, given what happened last time we were in a bigger city? Unless the sewers changes things, I would prefer more space between the house and the outside but I will stand by your decision."

Ilero motions for Hoffman to walk with him, and heads out for a random stroll through the town. "Hye not picky, Hoffman. Eit'er fine. Maybe only sir in front of outsiders, pretend t'ings more formal t'an is. Ot'erwise Ilero fine." They turn down another street, the odor in the air indicates a leatherworker is nearby. "In big city, sewer probably under all decent districts. It somet'ing we probably have anywhere we goes here. Hye not see muck in street here, for instance. In new place, we need find all ways in, including sewers. Hye need find local guild contact, see if t'ey have safe list we can get on. And maybe hire man set traps over some. Is risk hiring t'ieves, but generally honor contracts, or people not buy no more. Easier for t'em get paid wit'out risk of actually breaking in, and so on."

They turn down another street. "Hye not much practice big city. Prefer swamp and forest usually. Any time you t'ink hye miss somet'ing, you tell me, yes? Hye not flog much, promise." Ilero grins toothily.

Hoffman smile back "I hope you don't think I am the smart one, just a little observant. I was thinking we need to start adjusting shifts, if we want someone on watch all night. It seems diffrent from the road where everyone took a watch, but I want everyone to be rested so what do you think about a rotating schedule? If we can get five guards, six hour watched and overlap 2 hours, no one would be alone for more then two hours. Maybe between your contacts and the city guard, I maybe over complicating things but who knows how long we are going to be here.

Ilero waves that off. "Psshh! Hye no big brain neit'er. Not need clever schemer here, just cover all sides good. Can hire guards for extra manpower. Have one us captain until find reliable local hire. So, we cover all sides yet? Hye contact guild, try buy safe pass. Philippe work local guard hire once we has place. You keep guard Branwyn. We all try spot holes and keep heads above water, yes?" He looks around, then takes a turn that will lead them back to the Inn. "Hye miss anyt'ing obvious?"

(note: the knarr and longship are both in the harbor, you do not stay tied up on a dock for longer than to load or unload so I made tweaks to John's start)

Miranda looks for someone on from the ship to find someone to talk to. walk with her and Eddie. As Miranda and Eddie get back their land legs, look out over the harbor they are looking for someone with authority or friendly experience. "there has to be a place near by where I can "walk" my dog Miranda thinks.

"Hello there young lady," comes the call from a rowboat off the port side of the knarr. "What is a lovely lady like your self doing out here in the hot sun sitting on a ship at anchor? Are you looking for a way to shore?"