Character Stories - Khamsa's Folly
Sarim, son of Palim and father of many
Map A
Sarim, son of Palim watches as the small group of adventurers walks away into the desert. He shakes his head as he watches them disappear into the gloom.
Then with a twist of smoke he and the rest of his caravan revert back to their devilish shapes. "Lord Set has put them on a path of destruction. I hope they help bring that sniveling priest back to us."
Map B
Sarim, son of Palim watches as the small group of adventurers walks away into the desert. He shakes his head and offers a small prayer to the god who watches over fools. "That dwarf thing or what ever he is looks hardy enough but the rest of them will wilt in the sun like fresh blade of grass." He turns his camel to the West and leads his caravan across the sands of the Raurin desert to met up with another band of wandering traders.