Main / SavageSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the book Skills and Powers.

Another Savage kit is available from the Complete Fighter's Handbook.
Another Savage? kit is available from the Complete Druid's Handbook.
Another Savage Priest kit is available from the Complete Priest's Handbook.
Another Savage Wizard kit is available from the Complete Wizard's Handbook.

Savages are characters from primitive societies, individuals who lived on their own or in extended families. They differ from barbarians in that they have no established villages or communities. They live off the land by hunting and foraging. They do not herd animals or establish farms. Savages find their way into adventuring groups simply by crossing paths with player character heroes. They are quick to become a part of an adventuring family, and they are comfortable traveling and exploring. However, savages are uncomfortable in towns, and they are suspicious of civilized trappings.

Social ranks: Since savages do not come from a society, their starting social rank is essentially lower class.
2d6 roll Social rank
2–11 Lower Class
12 Lower Middle Class

Requirements: Savages must have a minimum Constitution/Fitness score of 13. This kit is open to all races except githzerai and swanmays, and to all classes except paladins.

Weapon proficiencies: At the time of character creation, a savage must choose from the following wooden weapons: quarterstaff, spear, bow, and club. As the character gains in levels and adventures with others, he can pick up more civilized weapons, such as maces, swords, and daggers.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Animal lore, hunting, running, set snares, survival, tracking, fishing, swimming.

Equipment: Savages begin without any metal equipment. Their weapons are limited to those listed above, and they can wear nothing greater than hide armor. All of their possessions must come from nature, such: as deerskin sacks, buffalo hide blankets, vine rope, woven baskets, clay jugs, stone arrowheads, etc.

Recommended traits: Keen eyesight, keen hearing, keen sense of touch, keen sense of taste, light sleeper, ambidexterity.

Benefits: Savages gain +1 to any three nonweapon proficiencies scores, provided they are selected from the recommended list above.

Hindrances: Player characters with this kit are uneasy in cities. They suffer a –2 initiative penalty when traveling within the confines of a town or keep.

Wealth: Savages are allowed to spend up to the normal wealth allowed their character class on the weapons, hide armor, and equipment mentioned in this kit. However, whatever is not spent vanishes. Savages begin play with no money.