Main / ScholarSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the book Skills and Powers.

Another Scholar Priest kit is available from the Complete Priest's Handbook.

A scholar is driven by his incessant drive for knowledge about a particular topic or family of topics. Adventuring scholars might want to study underground ruins, abandoned temples, mythical beasts, giant insects, haunted woods, or monsters. When not traveling (and taking copious notes at every opportunity), he’s likely to be found poring over books, maps, scrolls, and clay tablets. Scholars choose to adventure because they know they can learn more by studying something up close than by reading about it in musty libraries.

Social ranks: Scholars are well-educated and come from rather affluent families. Roll 2d6 to determine a scholar’s social rank.
2d6 roll Rank
2–6 Upper Middle Class
7–12 Upper Class

Requirements: A scholar must have a minimum Intelligence/Knowledge of 13. This kit is open to all standard player character races and to: centaurs, githzerai, and swanmays. Fighters may not be scholars.

Weapon proficiencies: Those that fit with the scholar’s adventuring class.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Reading/writing, history (any), languages (any), heraldry, astrology, astronomy, herbalism, engineering, gem cutting, religion, spellcraft, brewing, etiquette, musical instrument.

Equipment: Scholars always must be prepared to record some interesting new bit of knowledge. Therefore, all scholars must carry quills, ink, scrolls, and a journal or diary with which to write down any intriguing new facts or theories.

Recommended traits: Artistic ability, keen eyesight, keen hearing, precise memory, obscure knowledge.

Benefits: Scholars gain a +1 bonus either to Intelligence or Wisdom checks (player’s choice)—including proficiency checks based on Intelligence or Wisdom.

Hindrances: Since scholars spend so much time reading, theorizing, and studying, they suffer when it comes to physical combat. All scholars suffer a –1 penalty on their initiative rolls when fighting.

Wealth: Standard for the character’s class.