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Fantasy Grounds Implementation Planning

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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.04.16 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC '' is at 'Normal' encumbrance. Movebase now 1. Tester 1 [Common]: Testing three four eight [understood by: ] Tester 1 [Dwarvish]: [Translation] dwarvish three four eight dwarvish three four eight [understood by: ] Campaign saved. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.04.16 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC GM: Testing chat again, two five nine GM [Dwarvish]: [Translation] chat again two five nine chat again two five nine [understood by: ] Campaign saved. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.05.21 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC GM: [EFFECT] Intoxicated GM: [EFFECT] Blinded GM: What rules apply? SLASH COMMANDS [required] <optional>

/clear /console /dicevolume [0-100|on|off] /die [NdN+N] <message> /emote [message] /export /exportchar /exportchar [name] /exportnpc [name] /flushdb /gmid [name] /identity [name] /importchar /importnpc /info /mod [N] <message> /mood [mood] <message> /mood ([multiword mood]) <message> /ooc [message] /reload /reply [message] /rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide> /save /scaleui [50-200] /story [message] /version /vote <message> /whisper [character] [message]

Game Info ---------------------------------------- User Name: anstett Campaign: Testing Chat Saving Ruleset: 2E
Server Info ---------------------------------------- Server Type: LAN Internal Address: External Address (IPv4): External Address (IPv6): fe80::f0f1:5e8a:9d7b:ba95
Connected users ---------------------------------------- (None)

GM: Stands up tall

Session started at 2020-07-25 / 09:05

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.07.16 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11 for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme_Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC GM [Common]: Testing 25 [understood by: ] GM [Common] [Common]: Testing 25 [understood by: ] GM [Common] [Common] [Common]: Testing 25 [understood by: ]

Session started at 2020-08-05 / 19:44

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.07.30 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme_Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC

Session started at 2020-08-09 / 20:13

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.07.30 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme_Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC

Session started at 2020-08-12 / 18:07

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.08.06 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme_Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (decal_wotc2edmg) loaded. Extension (decal_wotc2emm) loaded. Extension (decal_wotc2ephb) loaded. Centaur: Hello there The date is Senday, 000 The time is 12:00 AM The time is 11:40 PM The date is Forday, 068

Session started at 2020-08-12 / 20:04

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.08.06 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme_Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (decal_wotc2edmg) loaded. Extension (decal_wotc2emm) loaded. Extension (decal_wotc2ephb) loaded.

Session started at 2020-08-16 / 12:20

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.08.06 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme_Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (decal_wotc2edmg) loaded. Extension (decal_wotc2emm) loaded. Extension (decal_wotc2ephb) loaded. Weapon non-proficiency penalty set to -5 === Advancing Enchanter to level 1 === Initial weapon proficiency slot(s): 1 Initial non-weapon proficiency slot(s): 4 Save for poison improved to 14 Save for paralyzation improved to 14 Save for death improved to 14 Save for rod improved to 11 Save for staff improved to 11 Save for wand improved to 11 Save for petrification improved to 13 Save for polymorph improved to 13 Save for breath improved to 15 Save for spell improved to 12 Arcane spellcasting level is now 1 Updated Arcane spell level 1 slots by 2 '' gained level 1 in Enchanter. Gained 4 additional HP. One level of class 'Enchanter' added to ''. Feature 'Specialist: Bonus Spells' added to ''. Feature 'Specialist: Save Bonus' added to ''. Feature 'Wizard Spells' added to ''. Feature 'Specialist: Learning Spells Bonus' added to ''. Feature 'Specialist: Enchanter' added to ''. Feature 'Specialist: Research and Creation Bonus' added to ''. Feature 'Spell Research' added to ''. Feature 'Specialist: Gaining Extra Spells' added to ''. ___ COMPLETED Enchanter to level 1 ___ === Advancing Enchanter to level 2 === Arcane spellcasting level is now 2 Updated Arcane spell level 1 slots by 1 '' gained level 2 in Enchanter. Gained 1 additional HP. One level of class 'Enchanter' added to ''. ___ COMPLETED Enchanter to level 2 ___ === Advancing Enchanter to level 3 === Arcane spellcasting level is now 3 Updated Arcane spell level 2 slots by 2 '' gained level 3 in Enchanter. Gained 3 additional HP. One level of class 'Enchanter' added to ''. ___ COMPLETED Enchanter to level 3 ___ === Adding Race Half-Elf === Race 'Half-Elf' added to ''. Trait 'Resistance' added to ''. Trait 'Detections' added to ''. Trait 'Infravision' added to ''. ___ COMPLETED Race Add ___ Kit 'Sea Ranger' added to ''. Feature 'Sea Ranger Special Benefits' added to ''. Feature 'Sea Ranger Special Hindrances' added to ''. Feature 'Sea Ranger Followers' added to ''. Adding new skill: Swimming. 'Experimental Enchanter' is at 'Normal' encumbrance. Movebase now 12. Experimental Enchanter: [CAST] Confuse Languages Experimental Enchanter: [CAST] Confuse Languages Experimental Enchanter: [CAST] Confuse Languages Experimental Enchanter: [CAST] Confuse Languages Experimental Enchanter: [CAST] Confuse Languages Experimental Enchanter: [CAST] Confuse Languages Experimental Enchanter: [CAST] Confuse Languages

Session started at 2020-08-19 / 16:37

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2020.08.06 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2020 CoreRPG ruleset v3.3.11B for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme_Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (decal_wotc2edmg) loaded. Extension (decal_wotc2emm) loaded. Extension (decal_wotc2ephb) loaded.

Session started at 2021-07-24 / 20:55

Session started at 2021-08-01 / 13:22

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2021.07.19 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2021 Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme: FG Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master's Guide) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Player's Handbook) loaded. GM: Testing how chat will work and loading ability GM [Elvish]: [Translation] This is Elvish This is Elvish [understood by: ] GM [W Common]: This is Western Common [understood by: ] GM: The first is the Elvish translation and the second is stadard Western Common using the language options here in chat GM: [d20 = 0] GM: [d12 = 0] GM: [d12 = 5] 'Master TMO' connected 'Master TMO' disconnected 'Master TMO' connected 'Master TMO' disconnected 'Master TMO' connected Master TMO: [d20 = 12] Experimental Enchanter: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 15] Experimental Enchanter: [SAVE] vs. Staff [d20 = 2] Save [2] [Target 11] -> [for Experimental Enchanter] [FAILURE] Experimental Enchanter: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 6] Save [6] [Target 12] -> [for Experimental Enchanter] [FAILURE] Experimental Enchanter: burp Experimental Enchanter: [ATTACK][BASIC] [THACO(20)] [AC: 6 ] [d20 = 14] Experimental Enchanter: [INIT] [d10 = 9] 'Master TMO' disconnected Lost connection to cloud service. Players may not be able to join game. Attempting to reconnect... Connection to cloud service restored. Lost connection to cloud service. Players may not be able to join game. Attempting to reconnect... Connection to cloud service restored. Lost connection to cloud service. Players may not be able to join game. Attempting to reconnect... Connection to cloud service restored.

Session started at 2021-08-06 / 18:11

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2021.07.19 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2021 Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme: FG Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master's Guide) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Player's Handbook) loaded. 'springdew' connected springdew: this is me, testing chat springdew: so's we can have some chat logs springdew: loggity log logs for our chatty chats. springdew: now, let's roll some dice springdew: okay that's kind of fun springdew: so, is it supposed to be writing down what the rolls were? springdew: can't actually see what the result is for D4 GM: Try picking up a die and dropping it onto the chat springdew: [+4] [d12+4 = 13] springdew: oho! springdew: i had been throwing it across the table springdew: [+2] [d20+2 = 11] springdew: [-5] [d10-5 = -4] springdew: [d4 = 4] springdew: [d20 = 2] springdew: [d10 = 9] springdew: [d12 = 8] springdew: [d6 = 6] springdew: +546 [d20+546 = 565] 'springdew' disconnected 'MadamePsychosis' connected MadamePsychosis: Pretty lame ass rolls. Looks like dice just drop MadamePsychosis: Can't use my name since the account name is linked to the message boards so have to use a unique name across all of Fantasy Grounds MadamePsychosis: I don't see anyone else's chat so it looks like I am the only one to post anything here 'MadamePsychosis' disconnected 'LemonyLemon' connected LemonyLemon: I also do not see any previous chats LemonyLemon: [d20 = 8] LemonyLemon: [d4 = 3] LemonyLemon: The rolling is kind of fun though LemonyLemon: Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master's Guide) loaded. LemonyLemon: Heh, tried to scroll up with the hand just in case and it did that. I have no idea what is going on, or how to log out 'LemonyLemon' disconnected

Session started at 2021-08-08 / 10:10

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2021.07.19 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2021 Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme: FG Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master's Guide) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Player's Handbook) loaded. Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC GM: [d10 = 0] GM: [d12 = 6]

Session started at 2021-08-08 / 14:53

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2021.07.19 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2021 Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme: FG Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master's Guide) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Player's Handbook) loaded.