Main / FantasyGroundsImplementationPlanning

Fantasy Grounds

Fantasy Grounds Implementation Planning

This page is to collect ideas and concepts that will need to be developed to improve our game.

We started exploring how to use Fantasy Grounds on 8-5-2020, and our first game using the program on a regular basis was 11/26/2021.

We also included a channel on our Discord for quickly sharing updates and screen shots.

Projects to work on Project - Requester


Extensions are add-ons to Fantasy Grounds that give more automation or functionality to the program.

There are several collections of Extensions that we use

Need to write the code for custom calendars {samples downloaded} to handle days
How to handle the various year designations?
custom calendars need a custom function via extension to properly advance?

Need to be able to save chat
preferably with formatting
Can have drop down of different languages spoken
how does that interact with saved file?
will it save the language tag?
Yes saves with tag, but does not save the image from the chat that replaces what characters do not understand
Chat appends to the end of the file
How to edit the languages that appear on the list of available languages

Deciding how to include this information. Link to original? or Copy to here?


List of chat commands

Building new things