Main / SharpshooterDwarf

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Dwarven Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the Complete Book of Dwarves.

Another Sharpshooter kit is available from the book Skills and Powers.

A Sharpshooter is highly skilled with either the light or heavy crossbow. He has spent the majority of his youth training as a Bowyer/Fletcher, and has had regular practice with his crossbow. He is skilled in rapid loading and expert at inflicting the most damage possible with his weapon. Exuding confidence in his abilities, he tends to disdain those who resort to hand-to-hand combat.

Role: Sharpshooters form either part of a crossbow unit or make their living shooting for prize money at fairs. When in battle, a Sharpshooter's targets are enemy officers, wizards, and clerics, to prevent them from coordinating attacks or casting spells.

Secondary Skills: He should have the Bowyer/Fletcher secondary skill.

Weapon Proficiencies: A Sharpshooter must be a specialist with either a light or heavy crossbow (and, therefore, must be a fighter). He may not begin play with any hand weapon specializations, but may learn them later in his career. If gunpowder weapons are used, a sharpshooter may specialize in the arquebus. All the special benefits for crossbows are available for arquebuses; the character has a supply of perfectly molded arquebus balls and superior gunpowder.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: Artistic Ability, Bowyer/Fletcher, Endurance.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Alertness, Appraising, Direction Sense, Rope Use, Sign Language, Signalling.

Equipment: Sharpshooters start with the crossbow of their choice, at no cost.

Distinctive Appearance: They are set apart from other dwarves by the care they lavish on their crossbows and bolts. The crossbow is made of the finest materials and the butt is often inlaid with intricate patterns. The bolts have only the finest flights, and they burnish the points to a fine, razor sharpness.

Special Benefits: In addition to his crossbow specialization, he gains a further +1 to attack rolls. He fires faster than other specialists as shown on the Sharpshooter Attacks Table.

Sharpshooter Attacks Table


This increased rate of fire assumes that the Sharpshooter has time to lay out his bolts in easy reach, minimizing the time required to nock a bolt. He gains these advantages only with the type of crossbow in which he has specialized.

When using his personal weapon and sharpened bolts, a Sharpshooter can inflict extra damage. In his hands, a light crossbow causes 1d6 damage vs. any size creatures. A heavy crossbow causes 1d6+1 vs. S/M, and 1d8+1 against larger creatures. He only gains these bonuses when he uses his personally built and maintained crossbow and his own sharpened bolts.

Special Hindrances: Sharpshooters may not start with any hand weapon specialization, and are limited to short weapons, daggers, and hand axes.

If a Sharpshooter loses his custom-built crossbow or has no time to sharpen his bolts, he loses his ability to increase damage. He cannot just pull out another crossbow previously built; it must first be used for 1d4 weeks to "break it in." In addition, it takes one hour to sharpen each bolt and they must be carefully stowed, if they are not to become dulled.

Wealth Options: Sharpshooters start with 5d4x10 gp, plus their own customized crossbow.