Main / SharpshooterSP

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Other Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the book Skills and Powers.

Another Sharpshooter kit is available from the Complete Book of Dwarves.

Sharpshooters devote their time and effort to becoming extremely proficient with missile weapons. They might be experts with thrown weapons such as the dagger or hand axe. Some make their living as trick-shot artists in carnivals and circuses. Sharpshooters may be military specialists assigned to attack and dispose of enemy officers, wizards, airborne foes, or even enemy sharpshooters. Others might be classic archers, able to split an opponent’s arrow in a target or knock a foe’s weapon from his hand.

Social Ranks: Sharpshooters usually come from middle-classed families who have money to spend on weapons and lessons. Roll 2d6 to determine the social rank.
2d6 roll Rank
2–6 Lower Middle Class
7–12 Upper Middle Class

Requirements: A sharpshooter must have a minimum Dexterity/Aim of 13. Bugbears, lizard men, minotaurs, ogres, and wemics cannot become sharpshooters. This kit is barred to wizards and priests (although the DM may allow some specialty priests, such as druids, to become sharpshooters).

Weapon proficiencies: More than half of a sharpshooter’s initial weapon proficiencies (or at least six character points) must be allocated on missile weapons. Expenditures for missile weapon specialization or style specializations involving missile weapons count toward the requirements.

Nonweapon proficiencies: Bowyer/fletcher, hunting, heraldry, riding, weaponsmithing.

Equipment: A sharpshooter’s first concern is making sure he has enough arrows or other missile weapons. After that, he can purchase whatever armor and equipment is appropriate to his adventuring class.

Traits: Ambidexterity, keen eyesight, keen hearing, lucky.

Benefits: Sharpshooters gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with one particular missile weapon. The weapon must be chosen at the time of the character’s creation. This bonus does not apply to a hurled missile weapon when it is used in melee combat. For example, if a sharpshooter threw a spear at an oncoming hobgoblin, he could apply the bonus. If he waited until the hobgoblin closed to melee range, the bonus is no longer applicable.

Hindrances: Because a sharpshooter concentrates on missile weapons, he suffers a – 1 penalty on initiative rolls for melee combat.

Wealth: Standard for the character’s class.