Main / Sif

Sif - Norse - Priests - Gods

Sif is the goddess of excellence and skill, as well as being a superb warrior-woman. Married to Thor, she is also the embodiment of conjugal fidelity. Loki once played a cruel trick on her by cutting off all of her beautiful golden hair. When Sif's angry husband came to take revenge, Loki was forced to replace the hair with locks of real gold which grew just like true hair. This hair had been crafted by a pair of clever dwarves who, flushed with their success, went on to create many other wondrous items, such as Thor's hammer Mjolnir, Odin’s spear Gungnir, and his ring Draupnir.

Sif has the power to raise any character one level. She seldom does this, however, and will never grant this boon to an individual more than once in their life. In her true form, Sif is slender woman of great beauty. She has locks of pure gold, and often carries a long sword with her.

Role-playing Notes:

Sif looks after young warriors and all those dedicated to excellence in their pursuits. When such an individual is in dire need of aid, there is a 1% chance per level that she will send her avatar to help. If the individual is capable of wielding the avatar's sword, the avatar will leave it behind as a souvenir of Sif's blessing.

Gods Information

Alignment: CG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any Good
Area of Control: Excellence
Symbol: upraised sword

Avatar Information

Sif's avatar is a beautiful, golden-haired warrior maiden. Her sword cannot be wielded by anyone with a strength of less than 18/01. She can draw upon any school of magic for her bard spells. (Warrior 18, Bard 16)

Str 18/00 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 20
MV 18 SZ 6' MR 35%
AC -2 HD 18 HP 144
#AT 2 THAC0 3 Dmg 1d8 +3 (sword) +6

Special Att/Def: Any being hit by Sif's avatar must save versus paralyzation or be incapacitated. This effect lasts until Sif wishes it dispelled. Any spell from the enchantment/charm school or charm sphere that is cast upon Sif’s avatar rebounds on the caster. Her sword +3 renders her invulnerable to spells from the illusion/phantasm school.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard
Alignment: any Good
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Any

Major: All, Charm, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Protection, Summoning
Minor: none

5th - raise one ability score of player's choice by one point
10th - advance directly to 11th level

Duties of the Priesthood

Priests of Sif must be dedicated to excellence in all things. If they are married, they must always behave within the boundaries of the conjugal relationship.