Main / Skerrit

Skerrit - Centaurs - Priests - Gods

Sylvan centaurs have their own lands and homes, and do not live in the deep sylvan homes of the diminutive faerie folk. However, many creatures which are wise enough to avoid deep sylvan territories give the woodlands about them a wide berth also, which suits the peaceful and seclusive centaurs. Skerrit works with the sylvan gods as a protector and guardian of the boundaries of sylvan lands, and in turn they help his folk with magic in defense of their homes should this be needed, and with faerie gifts. Skerrit is a kindly and merciful god, but he is also a fine hunter and protector, skilled and strong.

Role-playing Notes: Skerrit may send an avatar to help a centaur band threatened by servants of an evil deity. His avatars may sometimes act as spies at the edge of woodlands, avoiding confrontations but warning centaurs and faeries of looming dangers and threats. He may send omens to priests in the form of unusual animal behavior during the mock hunts they perform.

Gods Information

Alignment: Neutral
Worshiper's Alignment: Neutral (Centaurs)
Area of Control: Community and natural balances
Symbol: oak growing from an acorn''

Avatar Information

The avatar appears as a powerful centaur male with chestnut hair and a chain mail vest which can change color as Skerrit wishes. He uses spells from standard Druidic spheres, plus sun.

Str 19 Dex 16 Con 17
Int 16 Wis 16 Cha 17
MV 21 SZ L (12' long) MR 30%
AC -2 HD 14 HP 112
#AT 2 THAC0 7 Dmg 2d8+3(spear) +7

Special Att/Def:

The avatar can polymorph self at will into any natural forest creature. For 1 turn the centaur can gallop at triple normal move rate, but must rest for 2 turns thereafter. He carries a golden-tipped spear +3 and also has a longbow +3 with a quiver of 24 arrows +1.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: 12+ Alignment: Neutral
Turning: nil
Armor: leather or chain vest
Weapons: any, Spear must be taken first
Level Limit:7th
Hit Die: D6

Requirements: Wis 12+
Alignment: Chaotic Good, Neutral
Level Limit: 3rd
Hit Die: D4

Major: (as Druids) Protection, Sun
Minor: (as Druids)

1 - Identify plants, natural animals and pure water as Druids, bonus proficiency of Healing

7 - wall of thorns once per day

Duties of the Priesthood

Skerrit's priests and shamans are leaders of their bands and they pass on their skills father to son (or, more rarely, daughter). Priests protect hunting bands who seek to eliminate dangerous monsters or enemies, determine the wanderings and changes of home of bands, and officiate at the dances and mock hunts which celebrate Skerrit.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters

Note: These roleplaying notes are taken from the Legends and Lore Book, the Monster Mythology Book and many other reference sources; it also incorporates many alterations to those works. The information is provided in this layout for existing players ease of use and access to campaign details.