The Magic of Music - Player Communication Page

10/30/08 I doubt if she is the ultimate villan in the adventure. That would be to easy. I am not even sure what is her premise for targetting the Dragonslayers. Can I create a Psionicist real fast to delve into her mind? Does anyone have access to mind discecting magic?

Silence spells!!! Can anyone cast Silence Spells?!?!?! They are good against most mages and I bet especially good against Bardic Spell Casters.


If you believe that Mercedes is the final villian in your quest, kill her before she can do anymore harm.

If you think she is working with or for someone then you need to come up with a plan for finding out that information after you kill her if you kill first and ask questions later.

This is an adventure for high level characters, treat it accordingly.



Don't know if this is for Tomorrow's game or next week, but remember that Mercedes is a bard with the ability to put people to sleep including elves!!! She probably has charming ability as well. We know she can polymorph but that won't effect me and Sebrina as we can polymorph as well to overcome anything she does. Everyone else could be seriously crippled by this.

I don't know if the Mirest Sphere will help with the music aspect as it will decrease the sound. I can make a couple of potions to resist any type of sleep including magically induced sleep. Mentor has good magic resistance but I sent him back to Semphar. I think it should go to Rave and Kylia (with her high level clerical and evocation spells) as they may have the best chance of killing her. John (A.K.A. Mike's Clone) definitely has the right idea about taking her out. Clearly focusing on her immediately will be a goal.

Of course we need to know who else she is in cahoots with that may be out to get us. I am not sure how off track we currently are since we didn't help the elves with the swamp problem. The problem with the Sphere is that I lose my invisibility and so will anyone else within the area of affect. It does give True Sight but that plays both ways as anyone (even the enemy) could benefit from that effect. Even using my Rope of Entanglement doesn't guarantee success as many bards have vocal only spells. Teleport is an example.

I would suggest that if Sebrina could polymorph into something without ears (an ooze or jelly might be a good idea) that might be a benefit and to have her wand of magic missiles ready to fire to disrupt any spell casting by the enemy. I am not as familiar with anyone else in the groups ability other than Antarias (as I helped create him). He is the proverbial TANK. Great for offense but actually even better for defensive fighting. I would suggest if there is any doubt in the ability to kill an NPC immediately he may consider trying to disarm them from their weapon or even magic item they may have in their hands at the moment.

Remember that there is an Orison that gives you a one round save vs spells. If we know what might be cast some of the Clerics may be able to boost certain saving throws by a factor of 1 ahead of time.



John's Sugestions (it might sound like Mike's) Hit her First, Hit her Fast, Hit her Hard and Hit her often. Knowing BOB She will know it is us before we know it is her. Do not be afraid to kill an innocent. It's like the witch test, if she goes down easy it was probably not her and you will have to bring a few innocents back to life.

Where is that Anti Magic Kid when we need it.

Bringing this back up to help everyone have a place to clarify what you do and do not know about Mercedes/Octavia/whoever she is calling her self today and what steps you should take. A bit of planning in anticipation of finding her is in order I think.


8/15 - Vicki

John, I don't recall if Khan got his ring back. I know we asked for it. If we move the forest, will the sleeping elves move along with it, or must we wake them prior to moving the forest? If we must wake the elves, let's hope they don't wake and attack like the last tower.

8/10 -John

There is some confusion to clear up first. According to the chat log Aug 08 08 near the end, it was clearly stated that the Recorder that keeps the forest hidden was NOT stolen. Also it was stated clearly Mercedes left 30 days before the forest enchantment would fade and she would be back: "She (Mercedes) suggested that the two elves reconsider their answer and informed them that she would be back in 30 days for their reply. By then, the concealing enchantment on the forest would have dissipated, and their precious solitude would be lost forever. Finally, Octavia informed the horrified Kelleen that Kentar would soon develop a desire for horseflesh-or worse-and warned the elf maiden to keep her lover well fed. Laughing hideously, Octavia mounted her broom and flew away. with no intention of returning. Kentor chewed through Kelleen's bonds, but she found that nothing would bring her tribesmen out of their trance. Sighing, she dragged her kinsmen into the tribe's wooden lodges ta protect them from the elements, then tried to figure out what to do next.

so a) How long has it been sense she left? 30 days or a few days. Maybe the "frog attacks are really griffin attacks? That might help clarify the time frame.
b) Why can't we just find the Recorder and re-hide the forest?
c) Waking up the elves should be solved with a high enough dispel magic
d) Does anyone think this wizard will be able to help us, minus any magic he has to be 70 years old.

It seems like we have no further clues to finding Mercedes, except another alias. We certainly have reason to believe we are no match for her. Certainly seems time to call out the DragonSlayers.

8/9 - BOB

It is coming to the time to consider how and when are you going to ask for help on this adventure. So far you know that Mercedes/Octavia is a powerful magic user of some sort. She did some sort of Charm on Gala and she did something similar to the Elves in the Rubato forest. You are off to get a high level magic user to help restore the forest to its hidden status and to undo the magic that transformed Kentor in a griffin.

I think the group should have a plan on how and when to make the call.


It seems a little odd to me. We started in Early Winter, spent a coupe weeks traveling, then poof it is spring. I know there are only 4 weeks in a month, but we were in early Winter, and there is at least one more month Late Winter. I thought there was a Middle to winter too. Were we traveling for more then 8 weeks? How long were we with the cloud giant? I am not complaining, just confused.

You actually traveled for more than two months. Each month has three weeks (see calendars), and you traveled from part way into Early Winter right through Mid Winter, and it is now Late winter. You happen to be getting a 'break' with a heat wave in the last winter. This will cause the snows to melt much faster, floods are likely and farmers will be dealing with an early planting season. All this presumes there is not a late winter or early spring freeze. BOB