Main / TheClearflow

The Clearflow

The Clearflow River flows from the Lake of Mists at its source and joins other mountain rivers that flow out of the Great Mountains. It travels along the Endless Waste south along the border of Keltoi and Hallstatt. It is generally considered the edge of civilized lands by those countries.

East of its waters is the land of nomadic barbarians. Although the water of the Clearflow is ample and pure, there has been little settlement on its banks. The land is poor for farming, only becoming fruitful with extensive irrigating. This, however, is not the major obstacle to settlement—the threat of attack by the barbarians is.

Only extensive patrols and border forts can keep the settlers safe, but neither Keltoi or Hallstatt can establish such a system without incurring the wrath of their neighbor. Thus, the banks of the Clearflow have remained an unofficial no-man’s-land. One spot of interest along the Clearflow is the Dead Dwarf Bridge.

Farther south the Clearflow becomes discolored when it joins with the Murghom River before the combined waters flow past the Mountains of Copper.