Main / TheGroundwood

Notable locations in The Groundwood of Divaekah

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Mockingbird Market
Firefly Fountain
Meadowlark Lake
Mulhy Maze
Tree Of Life
Shrine of the Shrike
Lorien Academy of Magick
Library of Lore
Civic Center
Lorien Council and Courts
Feywine Foundry
Honeybee Haven Honey Reserve

Mockingbird Market – The Mockingbird Market refers more to the entire area of which the market is a part of. Besides being the trade center of the city, Mockingbird Market is the social center of Divaekah; if you’re looking for someone particular, they can usually be found in the Market area. The shops are aligned in a perimeter, forming a sort of Town Square, where musical masters play their Elven harps, lutes, and flutes, filling the air with indescribably beautiful sounds of classic Elven songs are sung. This almost always causes spontaneous dancing by the strolling listeners.

The shops and stalls, both permanent and semi-permanent, is where Divaeki and traveling merchants and traders distribute their goods. Traveling merchants can set up a tent for the weekend, while the Divaeki who deal with the visiting traders can peddle their wares from their permanent shops. Elven craftsmen who handle large or heavy items too cumbersome to lift to the tree tops have a crafts shop on the Groundwood floor. Some families that produce items specifically for trade will have a storefront below, but could produce the goods above.

The Lorien Wood provide a plethora of goods and staples that the Divaeki creatively worked into exquisite and sublime pleasures for the tongue. An entire area of the market is devoted to food and drink. The aroma wafting from these shops and stalls acts as a beacon, and is almost always the first stop for any visitor of Mockingbird Market.

Purchases can be made in gold, but frequent merchants and traders know specifically what is requested by the elves, and a trade is completed. Dwarves, for example, provide ore in trade for Prickly Ash berry pulp. All kinds of common shops can be found; some specific shops of special interest include:

Prickly Ash: The berries of the Prickly Ash tree, only found in Lorien Wood, are harvested for their numbing effect. The berries can be mashed into a liquid pulp to create a topical pain reliever. A single drop smeared onto a throbbing wound relieves the superficial pain from bites, bruises, or stabs. The liquid pulp can be purchased by the vial for the adventurer. Full barrels of pulp, collected over a long period of time (4-6 weeks per barrel), are routinely traded to the Central Mountain Dwarves for their special ore. The pulp is super concentrated, and the dwarves make Hammerbane’s Brew from it. One barrel of Prickly Ash pulp can produce 20 barrels of Hammerbane’s Brew.
Special breads containing a rare spice, called Redroot. The root is very rare, and can be found in the Lorien Wood. Dried then ground, the spice is added to some consumables, usually baked goods. The breads and pastries which include this spice heightens the senses and perceptions of the consumer. (+5% bonus on Observation/Alertness checks for one hour)
Candies made from honey locust paste and mashed sugarberries, and sprinkled with chocolate daisies along with other ingredients, and pressed into tiny molds of mushrooms. These candies cause a euphoric effect in the consumer, usually making him/her feel ‘invincible’. Many a non-elf has made the mistake of indulging in one too many candies and waking up in the Clan Guard jail with as many regrets as bruises. Other delights include mayflower lollies, sumac sours, and coma gums.
Goodberries: Produced by the Elven mages, goodberries are made specifically for trade. The healing properties of the magically produced goodberries are well-known. Adventurers are known to hoard them when in stock. Some buy more than can possibly be consumed in the 7-10 day effectiveness window.
Potent Potables: a great many are manufactured in Divaekah; Some are old recipes passed from generation to generation, while others are
  • Green Drink: containing the delicately roasted leaves of yaupon and a hint of other herbs, Green Drink can also heighten senses of elves, but any non-elves who drink it find themselves unable to sleep for days with hardly any appetite to spare until it wears off.
  • Morning Glory wine: Made by extracting the essence of Morning Glory leaves, Morning Glory wine, when consumed in sufficient quantities and/or concentrations, can cause hallucinations. Some elves, while on a self-prescribed soul searching adventure, consume the wine in hopes of Enlightenment.
  • Feywine: The elves favorite drink, is a florescent green nectar created from the juice of flowers, mixed with honey and additional secret ingredients. This nectar is of ancient origin and what its secret ingredients might be has long been a mystery to humans, dwarves, and the demihumans, as well as most elves. Feywine is used liberally at elven festivals. It induces frivolous behavior, lasting for days or even weeks. are not so lucky. The effects of feywine on humans, dwarves, and halflings is much greater than it is on elves, and large quantities can make a human lose all sense of self for months. Too much feywine is the cause behind stories of humans waking after revelling with the elves, only to discover that months have passed since their last memory. Because of this, elves rarely allow humans to consume feywine. Since feywine doesn't keep well, elves never carry it on their travels.
  • Honey Mead: The local honey mead is produced from the honey supplied by the Honeybee Haven Hives
  • Medlar Wine: made from the lengthy fermentation of the musky fruit Medlarin, from the Medlar tree. The slightly bitter wine intensifies the mood of the drinker. Happy drinkers feel elated, while sad drinkers feel glum. In extreme cases, SSS wine causes either feelings of euphoria or dysphoria. Black Drink, a steeped beverage, made from deep roasted Yaupon leaves plus a few other ingredients, with a distinct bold, earthy flavor with a hint of cream. Black Drink is sometimes consumed for it’s almost immediate but short-lived burst of energy.
Various Food Shops: prepared for immediate consumption. Masterfully crafted dishes offer layers of flavors that can satisfy even the most discerning palate.
Acorn-crusted sparrow on a bed of wintercress and henbit;
Lotus seed mash sprinkled with maple and elm seeds;
Turtle Soup from the deliciously tender tetra-terrapin variety
Cassava casserole, with it’s earthy, hearty stew adorned with fluffy steamed grains.
Wooden Weapons from Osage Orange trees; wood is super tough, can be used to make edged weapons at a fraction of the weight of metal, cannot be turned to rust; however, due to lack of mass, produces less damage. When in stock, weapons can be found carved from Ironwood. These weapons hold an edge better than Osage Orange types, but are usually priced out of the range of the common folk.
Exquisite works of art, like pottery, paintings, furniture, clothing, textiles. Works of art are found the world over. However, the pieces produced by the Divaekah clan make others pale in comparison. Pottery which steals the breath. Paintings that encapsulate the viewer. Clothing that transform the wearer into someone grandiose. Every piece of art offered is fit for a museum.
Finocchi the Legendary Musical Instruments Maker: If a musical instrument is to be played at its pinnacle performance, Finocchi is the one to produce it. While most instruments are made to be played by a Master Elf, Finocchi can make inferior instruments playable by lesser races. Finocchi can produce all kinds of instruments, from woodwinds, to stringed, to percussion. Highlights include an Elven Lute with twice as many strings, which at first seems pointless until it’s in the hands of a true elven master.
Tavariah the Fletcher – This shop is hard to miss, as the shingle over the door depicts a moth split in two by an arrowhead. The logo symbolizes the exceptional accuracy of the arrows made by Tavariah the Fletcher. While some would argue that an arrow that hits its target is an arrow well-constructed, there is a distinct difference to an Elf. Normal arrows, when fired from an Elven bow over longer distances, tend to wander from the intended course of flight, resulting in misses, or strikes at an askew angle. Tavariah the Fletcher’s arrows fly straight and true. Non-Elves who use these arrows appear to be bow masters, while the full credit lies in the arrow. They are not cheap, but the price reflects the work required to construct them. Each is specially marked with Tavariah’s logo, distinguishing it as a true master arrow.
Alchemy Shop by Lanarlas is purported to have the most obscure and hard-to-find components required for almost any alchemical concoction. Lanarlas claims to have sought out each and every piece on his own. Rumor has it that Lanarlas doesn’t leave the Groundwood very often; however, his trusty apprentice, Fendoryl, is hardly ever found in the shop. The chemist in need will almost always find his required components, if he only has the gold.
Quelenna's Candles and Crafts: the delicate carvings, divine fragrances, and lasting flames of her candles have yet to be replicated by any other elf. Some say her secrets to their crafting lies in the careful cultivation of the berries in her myrtle grove (candles from wax myrtle trees) and her knowledge of dyes passed on from her mother, a master tailor and textile artist.
Elorina’s Elderberry Edibles: While many an elf fancy themselves as bakers, Elorina is known as the Baker of the Wood, a title she has won many a time at the annual Confectioner’s Challenge. Some of her her scrumptious baked good and confection specialties include mulberry jams, ice-cream beans, acorn cake, sugarberry (hackberry) syrup, firethorn finger cookies, plum and persimmon pudding, loquat loafs, and especially her custard apple custard
Tarsap Teas and Tinctures: Currently run by Rennyn Tarsap and his daughter Ytharra, the inn has been a staple of the market since it was first opened to outside traders. The teas and tinctures served are nothing special by Elven standards, but the clientele rarely know the difference and often praise what is served. Visiting merchants find not only rest and teas, but a place to gather and do business with each other. For the entertainment of their guests, the Tarsaps often hold a contest once a week where a handful of teas are served and the one who identifies the most wins a prize. It is often filled with much drinking, games, and food. The winner gets a brick of tea, often accepted for bartering among Elvens clans, or simply to make tea on the road, but unless the individual truly know their teas, they may discover the hard way that few Elves think the Tarsaps to make anything of quality.
  • Aermhar Phathar: yaupon seeped and cooled before sumac is added to create a refreshing, slightly sour drink.
  • Acorn Tea: the ground, roasted acorns create an oddly creamy, bold tea without the stimulant of normal teas.
  • Sleeping Times: an herbal remedy of chamomile, lavender, and other unnamed ingredients to help one relax.

Firefly Fountain - In the center of the Mockingbird Market is Firefly Fountain. Built around a large natural spring, Firefly Fountain is THE social meeting place. The artistically crafted stone fountain bowl is surrounded by natural benches. The water is crystal clear, always cold and refreshing. The center of the fountain is the form of a glowing Summer Water Nymph (the same form that helped Koehaera find her way to Divaekah), with water cascading from its outstretched hands. The sound of the falling water is extremely soothing, and a sense of calm surrounds the fountain. A widely spoken rumor has it that most Lorien peace treaties are drafted and signed near Firefly Fountain, as the tranquil sounds of the falling water calms all who hear it. When the sun sets, the entire fountain is magically bathed in shimmering lights, as if it were lit by fireflies.

Meadowlark Lake – the central water of the city. Picturesque views from any side, During the Fest of Moons, small boats made of leaves are floated, with either a small twig alight or a magical light source, which illuminates the lake entirely. During the warmer months, rowing boats made of large fern leaves are available for borrow.

Mulhy Maze – A short distance from the Lorien Academy of Magick and Lorien Council Chambers, the Mulhy Maze exists to test the skills of the intellectual-minded. Every day, the large hedge maze is magically changed, providing a new challenge for those inclined to test their mettle (In truth, the change is simply practice for the mages attending the Academy of Magick to hone their skills of control and precision of plants). There are usually many endpoints, but only one true, correct end point, where the successful elf usually finds a small trinket, the daily special pastry, or even a simple placard congratulating them.

Tree of Life – The Tree of Life is the lifeblood of the city. From it, all things Elven are possible. Each part of the Tree represents a facet of Elven Life. Strong roots keep the Elves grounded, and bonded to their home and families. The rigid trunk represents the strength of the race. The branches reach out to support and uplift. The leaves work in unison create energy in abundance for the elves to harness, and all together, the Tree offers breath, refreshed at every moment.

There is one High Treekeeper. Gleweril, of the family Tossel, is the current High Treekeeper. She is responsible for the safety, health, and well-being of the Tree. It is the highest honor to be chosen to be High Treekeeper. There are some 20-25 treekeepers, who assist in constant grooming to keep the tree healthy. The High Treekeeper is always a high cleric of Solonor, while the treekeepers are made up of both clerics and mages, as the skills of both are required for maintenance of the Tree. Along with the constant grooming and attention, they also collect any fallen leaves and branches/twigs, as each are valuable.

Shrine of the Shrike – the main church of both Divaekah and the Lorien Wood. Each clan has a shrine, smaller and more humble than the Shrine. The Shrine of the Shrike has the distinction of being the only documented location to which Solonor actually led others. Located near the Tree of Life, the Shrine is equally as important to the Divaeki as the Tree. Major holy days are celebrated in Divaekah, attended by the other clans. A small islet to the east juts over Meadowlark Lake, where a small altar has been created for one celebration per year, the First Sunrise of Spring. As the first rays break through the forest, the elves from all clans stand in unity and receive the blessing of the next prosperous year from the banks, while the ceremony takes place on the islet.

Lorien Academy of Magick – Basic magic is learned in individual clans/towns. Advanced learning takes place here. The other clans of Divaekah send their senior mages here to study. The Academy is known for its great repository of spells. All spheres of magic are represented.

The Academy monitors the strength and location of the magickal hotspots of the Lorien Wood. These hotspots are anomalies of magick power, possibly created with the repeated spell castings from the same location while mages formed the lands of Divaekah. There is always a ‘pilgrimage` to one hotspot or other, as mages try to understand the full power and effect of these spots. The Academy itself is located on a hotspot of magick.

Library of Lore - the tree housing the Library of Lore is vastly unique. More to come.

Civic Center – houses the local constabulary, local records, jails, local lore experts, etc. The local councilmen handle city business here. Records of births, marriages, and passages into Arvanaith are all recorded here. Sages and scribes could be hired as well. The Sage of Divaekah, the elder elf with the most knowledge of the history and folklore of the city and Lorien Wood, has an office here, but is usually found in the Library, gaining more wisdom or scribing past histories for future sages.

Lorien Council and Courts - The three main clans (Divaekah, Haathkash, and Selihar) along with representation of the three lesser clans compose the Lorien Council. The Council meet once a year for two weeks, to discuss the overall status of the Lorien Wood and Elven clans, both major and minor. Discussions range from ensuring enough food exists for all clans, reinforcing the defense needs of the Alliance, analyzing intelligence reports provided by the Shadow Guard Captain, and, if necessary, holding court on major crimes against the community as a whole. On the rare occasion, it may be necessary for the Lorien Council to convene for emergency sessions, or sometimes the general session is extended until all pressing matters are resolved.

During the two weeks that the Lorien Council is in session, security is tightened. Usually, only well-known traders and merchants are allowed to peddle their wares. New or unknown merchants are forbidden from the city until the session is complete. The increased presence of the Shadow Guard in the city is both a relief and a concern for the citizens.

Feywine Foundry – The Feywine Foundry produces the finest feywine in the land. Its recipe is a well-guarded secret, as is the secret ingredient. Enough is made for local consumption; extra supply is not meant for consumption by outsiders. Prices to outsiders is extremely high as to dissuade its sale. Other feywine exists, but mug to mug comparisons make the others seem bitter and stale.

Honeybee Haven Honey Reserve – Located in Swarm Swarth, the Honeybee Haven Honey Reserve boasts at least one queen bee of each of the nine honeybee species in TerraGuard. Each species produces a distinct flavor of honey, and any creator of edibles will know exactly which flavor would best complement their creation. Those in the know often ask specifically for the honey from the rhododendron fields.