Main / ThirdTestPaste20210809

Fantasy Grounds Implementation Planning

Take chat file, open in Firefox as html, copy and paste

Session started at 2021-08-06 / 18:11

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast 2E v2021.07.19 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2021 Core RPG ruleset (v2021-07-06) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2021 Smiteworks USA, LLC Extension (Theme: FG Dungeon) loaded. Theme: Simple Brown\rCopyright 2018 ll00ll00ll00ll and SmiteWorks USA LLC Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master's Guide) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Monstrous Manual) loaded. Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Player's Handbook) loaded. 'springdew' connected springdew: this is me, testing chat springdew: so's we can have some chat logs springdew: loggity log logs for our chatty chats. springdew: now, let's roll some dice springdew: okay that's kind of fun springdew: so, is it supposed to be writing down what the rolls were? springdew: can't actually see what the result is for D4 GM: Try picking up a die and dropping it onto the chat springdew: [+4] [d12+4 = 13] springdew: oho! springdew: i had been throwing it across the table springdew: [+2] [d20+2 = 11] springdew: [-5] [d10-5 = -4] springdew: [d4 = 4] springdew: [d20 = 2] springdew: [d10 = 9] springdew: [d12 = 8] springdew: [d6 = 6] springdew: +546 [d20+546 = 565] 'springdew' disconnected 'MadamePsychosis' connected MadamePsychosis: Pretty lame ass rolls. Looks like dice just drop MadamePsychosis: Can't use my name since the account name is linked to the message boards so have to use a unique name across all of Fantasy Grounds MadamePsychosis: I don't see anyone else's chat so it looks like I am the only one to post anything here 'MadamePsychosis' disconnected 'LemonyLemon' connected LemonyLemon: I also do not see any previous chats LemonyLemon: [d20 = 8] LemonyLemon: [d4 = 3] LemonyLemon: The rolling is kind of fun though LemonyLemon: Extension (Decal: AD&D 2E - Dungeon Master's Guide) loaded. LemonyLemon: Heh, tried to scroll up with the hand just in case and it did that. I have no idea what is going on, or how to log out 'LemonyLemon' disconnected