Main / Thor

Thor - Norse - Priests - Gods

One of the most popular gods of the Norse pantheon, Thor is the god of thunder, weather, and crops which are unusually vulnerable to the climate. He is also well known as a warrior, for he has battled many monsters on the behalf of Midgard and his fellow Asgardians. He has complete control over the weather, and so is sometimes worshiped by merchants who depend upon his good graces to make long trading voyages safe. At will, he can control any lightning bolt (natural or magical) in Midgard. He rides through the air in a chariot pulled by two magic goats, Tanngrisner and Tanngjost. If slain, these goats magically regenerate at dawn the next day. When wielding his magic hammer, Mjolnir, Thor can break any object. He usually wears a magical girdle, Meginjarder, which gives him a Strength of 25. Thor is a large, red-bearded man, usually dressed in chain mail.

Role-playing Notes:

Thor is direct, uncomplicated, strong, loud, and has a tremendous appetite for drink and food. He is a special friend of mankind, and there is 2% chance/level that he will send his avatar to aid one of his priests in dire need of help. Omens from Thor are usually associated with the weather, especially thunder, lightning, and storms.

Gods Information

Alignment: CG
Worshiper's Alignment: Any Good
Area of Control: Thunder, Weather, Sky, and Crops
Symbol: Hammer

Avatar Information

Thor's avatar is a huge, red-bearded man. He often carries Mjolnir, which can be thrown up to 200 yards and never misses, returns to the thrower’s hand in the same round, can cast 100 points of lightning bolts per day (broken up any way wielder desires), and requires a Strength of 25 to lift and wield. Thor's avatar can call upon the sun, elemental, or weather spheres for his spells. (Warrior 20, Priest 15)

Str 25 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 19
MV 18 SZ 7' MR 30%
AC -2 HD 18 HP 160
#AT 3 THAC0 1 Dmg 1d8 + 5 (hammer) +14

Special Att/Def: Thor’s avatar can be hit only by magical +1 or better weapons. When in Midgard, he carries Mjolnir, and wears both Meginjarder and the glove Jarn Grieper which allows him to attack three times per round and renders him immune to fire.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard plus Str 16+
Alignment: any Non-Evil
Turning: Turn
Armor: Any
Weapons: Hammer

Major: All, Charm, Combat, Elemental, Protection, Sun, Weather
Minor: none

5th - Summon Rain in a 1 acre area
12th - Lightning Strike for 1d4/level

Duties of the Priesthood

Priests of Thor must be brave, friendly, and honest. They may never back down from a challenge unless it is made simply to force them into certain death.