Main / Trader

Chapter 1 - Class - Character Kits - Halfling Kits


Note: This kit is taken from the Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings.

Another Trader kit is available from the Complete Book of Dwarves.

The halfling Trader is a legitimate version of the Smuggler--an honest merchant who spends more time in legal activities and has a little more fighting ability with which to protect his or her cargo (and, incidentally, his or her self as well). Traders generally stake out a territory and a regular route and don't range too far afield; only a chance to dramatically increase his or her profits will tempt a typical Trader into deviating from the established routine. A Trader is very likely to have a burrow in a local community, and though he or she may be absent for several days at a time he or she is always glad to return home again.

A Trader must have a Charisma score of at least 11.

Roads to Adventure: The Trader is a natural target for thieves; fortunately, his or her combination of character classes makes this hard-working halfling merchant well equipped to vigorously defend his or her cargo.

By the nature of his or her business, the Trader has the chance to make many friends and become acquainted with the problems in many different areas. Motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong, together with the strength of his or her influence, the Trader will often take a leadership role in situations that call for dramatic and decisive action.

Role: Trading among halflings begins as a very simple, need-based process. The Trader finds some high quality commodity, usually from his or her own village, which is in large supply. Typical goods, especially for starting Traders, include cheese, produce, wine and beer, pottery or cloth, shellwork, unique spices or flavorings, and woodcarvings. Often, in fact, the local source of these goods will 'front' the Trader for his or her first cargo, in anticipation of much increased business. This is only done, however, if the young Trader is a local lad or lass known to be a sober and responsible individual.

Next the Trader determines another area, where he or she anticipates a demand for those goods and decides what he or she will trade for in return. The Trader typically starts small, with a limited and regular route upon which he or she tries to establish a professional reputation. If the enterprise prospers, he or she might show a (generally conservative) tendency to expand business; since he or she is a halfling, any new stops along the route usually means the Trader will be making new friends there as well.

Secondary Skills: The Trader/Barterer is the typical secondary skill of this kit.

Weapon Proficiencies: Any.

Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies: The Trader can select either Appraising or Local History as a bonus proficiency at the onset of his or her career.

Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies: Direction Sense, Animal Handling, and Weather Sense are all useful proficiencies for anyone who spends a lot of time on the road.

Thieving Skill Emphasis: Detect Noise helps the Trader anticipate ambushes, while Read Languages is useful for bookkeeping.

Equipment: The Trader will typically have a cart or wagon to haul his or her goods and some beast of burden--a pony, donkey, draft horse, or ox. River-based Traders will have a small, easily-managed boat with plenty of cargo space. Unlike Smugglers, Traders keep to well-traveled (and well-guarded) highways and hence prefer wagons to pack animals.

Special Benefits: The Trader is a well-known and popular character, privy to the local news all along his or her trade routes, often the first to bring news and gossip from village to village. He or she is quick to learn of new and interesting discoveries and to determine what goods and commodities are in demand in various locales. Additionally, he or she has a marvelous opportunity to get rich.

Special Hindrances: In a word, thieves.