Main / Tyr

Tyr - Norse - Priests - Gods

Tyr is the god of the sword and courage, and watches over battles with as much interest as Odin himself. He is also the godly law enforcer, using his impressive swordsmanship to uphold order. Tyr has only one hand, for he lost the other in the service of his fellow gods. The mighty Fenris wolf was savaging much of Asgard, and the gods were unable to stop him until the dwarves forged a golden leash capable of holding the beast. The gods bet the wolf that he could not break the leash. The suspicious wolf would not agree to the contest unless one of the gods put a hand in his mouth to guarantee his release if the leash could not be broken. The fearless Tyr complied without hesitation, and lost his hand when the wolf realized he was trapped.

Try has the power to see invisible objects and to recognize any thief within his sight. In his true form, he is a bearded, fierce-looking warrior missing one hand.

Role-playing Notes:

As the god of swords, Tyr watches over the Valkyries and makes sure that they bring only the most valiant of mortal heroes to Valhalla. He is also the patron of courageous warriors. There is a 10% chance that he will grant an extra level to any hero of good alignment who risks his life by fighting a giant without help. He sometimes sends his avatar to punish extraordinary crimes, such as the murder of a king or the theft of a kingdom's most precious treasure. Criminals surviving such an encounter need never fear retribution from Tyr again, however, for he admires courage and skill even more than he does the law.

Gods Information

Alignment: LG
Worshiper's Alignment: LG
Area of Control: Swordsmanship, Courage, and Law
Symbol: sword

Avatar Information

Tyr's avatar takes the form of a burly warrior who is missing one hand. (Fighter 18)

Str 20 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 17 Cha 17
MV 15 SZ 6' MR 20%
AC -2 HD 18 HP 144
#AT 2 THAC0 3 Dmg 1d8 + 3 (sword) +8

Special Att/Def: Tyr's avatar carries a sword of sharpness +3 that also allows him to see invisible objects and to know alignment.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard plus must meet min requirements for fighters
Alignment: LG
Turning: Nil
Armor: May not wear magical armor
Weapons: Sword

Major: All, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Protection
Minor: none

1st - Hold Person
10th - Detect Lie (always active)
15th - Detect Invisible (always active)

Duties of the Priesthood

Tyr's priests usually serve as a kingdom's law enforcement officers. They are often dual class fighter/priests.