Main / Uranus

Uranus - Greek - Priests - Gods

Uranus was the early god of the sky heavens, and Gaea's husband. He was horrified by the hideousness of his offspring with Gaea - the Titans, Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires. He shut them up inside their mother Gaea, which both pained and angered her. To avenge herself and her children, she persuaded one of the children, the Titan Cronus, to attack Uranus. The Furies and the Giants were born when Uranus' blood fell on the earth, and the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, rose out the sea-foam where it mixed with his blood. What happen to Uranus after the attack is unclear, but he may still be watching the earth from a secret hiding place.

Role-playing Notes:

Uranus is a bitter old god in hiding from his progeny, who do not even realize that he is alive. He delights in causing harm to Gaea and spoiling machinations of the Olympian gods. He will always send his avatar to hinder any attempt to free the Titans or reach site of their imprisonment (see Titans). Omens and portents from Uranus are so subtle as to go almost unnoticed, for he is quite fearful of revealing his presence. Still, the especially wise or astute may detect his in unusual events in the heavens.

Gods Information

Alignment: CE
Worshiper's Alignment: Any Non-Good
Area of Control: Sky
Symbol: stars

Avatar Information

Uranus' avatar is an old, grizzled warrior. His dark eyes burn with the unspoken desire for revenge. (Fighter t4)

Str 22 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 15 Cha 15
MV 24 SZ 6' MR 60%
AC -6 HD 24 HP 192
#AT 2 THAC0 -3 Dmg 1d8 (sword) +10

Special Att/Def:

Uranus' avatar wields a sword that cuts through any non-magical material as if it were cloth. Thus his enemy's AC is never better than 5 (unless due strictly to Dexterity). Uranus' avatar also regenerates 5 hit points at the end of each combat round, and cannot be harmed by non-magical weapon or attack.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard plus Str 13+
Alignment: any Good
Turning: Yes
Armor: Any
Weapons: Any
Major: Astral, Combat, Divination, Healing, Protection
Minor: none
10th - Cast spells without verbal, somatic, or material components

Duties of the Priesthood

Uranus' priests are members of a secret sect. They hire themselves out as fighters, then secretly employ their divine powers to further their true master's ends.